1、编译时出错,比如语法错误,变量未定义等等 2、连接时出错,比如调用外部函数,而由缺少相应的OBJ文件等等 3、其他原因,比如你用Demo版,限制是程序不能大于4K,结果你超过了4K等。二、解决方案:在target1 目录下C51选项 设置\SiLabs\MCU\INC ...
Programmer/board type: stlink v3 mini Operating system and version: Windows Stlink tools version : 1.6.1 Stlink commandline tool name: st-flash Target chip (and board if applicable): STM32G031 Commandline-Output: st-flash --connect-under...
but the target doesn't connect to stlink showing error "Unknown MCU found on target.", can you help me by sending details that how you connected the stm32l431rc with stlink, which board did you used for this. Thanks in advance. 0 Kudos Reply ...
在Oceanonnec的试验中,下载程序的时候发现报错“Fatal error:ST-Link,Failed to identify,target MU_heck hardware and interface selected”的原因是什么?;未设置ebugger river为ST-Link;未设置ST-Link interface为SW;IR环境安装问题;程序错误
Is the USB leftover current budget enough to provde power to the unknown? The debug probes monitor the application supply as check to warn user of unpowered application MCU 0 Kudos Reply George_Costanza Associate II 2023-01-29 05:24 AM With external power ...
MCUTARGETBOARDSTM3242 2023-03-22 19:56:04 怎样去解决STM32NoTargetconnected的问题呢 怎样去解决STM32NoTargetconnected的问题呢?STM32NoTargetconnected有哪几种解决办法? 你又知道了2021-10-20 07:52:56 TARGET3001!用法篇-如何使用TARGET丰富的元器件库 ...
1、原理图上,BOOT0接低电平。需要在上电前将R144短接 2、上电 3、这时keil是可以识别目标MCU 4、...
Since we use the same MCU type (i.e. F030) on multiple modules (SMX, PREL and MUX) a check should be added to see if the right firmware has been downloaded to the on-board MCU to disable the functionality that the module does not have on it. For example, if the SMX firmware were...