将深度摄像头插件中的frameName设为新增加的link(这一部分和上述添加摄像头代码有重合部分) <plugin name="kinect_camera_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so"> <cameraName>camera</cameraName> <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn> <updateRate>20.0</updateRate> <imageTopicName>rgb/image_raw</i...
Fast and efficient plugin for Unreal Engine which gives the ability to lock onto a Target similar to Souls-like games. The system is divided into 2 components. LockOnTargetComponent - gives a locally controlled AActor the ability to capture a Target along with a Socket. The Target is control...
Then, load up Unreal Editor, check the Plugins page and see ifTargetSystemplugin is enabled. Features Customizable with a set of options that can be overridden in Blueprints. Easy setup: only one Actor component to attach and a minimum of one functions to bind to input. ...
Asynchronous implementation means legacy integrations like the Test&Target to SiteCatalyst plugin may not work. Target plugins that reference mbox.js objects and methods are not supported. All calls to Target are made via XMLHTTPRequest and content is returned via JSON....
PluginConfig Enum Value Summary PixelFormat 遮挡剔除插件 Overview Interface Summary HcCreate HcDestroy HcSetResolution HcGetResolution HcClearBuffer HcAddOccluderMeshes HcRasterizeOccluder HcTestOccludeesAABB HcGetDepthBuffer Struct Summary HiCulling HcMeshType HcOccluderMeshType Hc...
NSDockTilePlugIn NSDocument NSDocument.DuplicateCallback NSDocumentChangeType NSDocumentCompletionHandler NSDocumentController NSDocumentControllerOpenPanelResultHandler NSDocumentControllerOpenPanelWithCompletionHandler NSDocumentLockCompletionHandler NSDocumentLockDocumentCompletionHandler NSDocumentMoveCompletionHandler NSDocumentMo...
The<systemService>element identifies a particular system service component that is assumed to be installed on the current physical host. If the system service is defined by a plug-in, the service name should be prefixed with the plug-in name, such aspluginName#serviceName. ...
Here are the main options you have when implementing an application which can load every plugin of every compilation target. Read this in columns, with the app and its optional plugin host lined up to create the complete solution. The separate plugin host process ...
LoadTestPlugin LOBSystemInstance LocalIISite Localize LocalResources LocalServer LocalServerAudit LocalServerWarning Локальные windows LocalTest LocalVariable НайтиВсе LocateControl Lock LockedLink LockXAxis LockYAxis LockZAxis Журнал LogError LoginName LoginScreen LoginStatus ...
The Simics debugger works even when the target system does not have any kind of external connections at all. It is not uncommon to find deeply embedded systems where the computer component has no Ethernet, USB, or serial connections to the outside, and no accessible debugging ports. Other ta...