Indonesia revised its mid-term emission mitigation target through the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (Enhanced-NDC). If previously Indonesia targeted to achieve emission reductions of 29 % by 2030 compared to the BAU level, in the enhanced NDC, the country targets to increase...
The unconditional target of Indonesia's NDC foresees a reduction of GHG emissions of 29% relative to a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario, to reach 2034 MtCO2eq in 2030. It further specifies that the energy sector shall take a share of 37... J Eckstein,JA Ordonez,J Wachsmuth - Working...
Governments are at the front line of the green transition, but existing action plans and policies do not provide credible pathways to limit temperature growth. Green technologies are vital in triggering the transition out of fossil fuels and strengthening NDC commitments, but most need...