使用以下代码可以将目标主机配置为Windows: ``` # 添加 Windows 节点 kubeadm join:6443 --token--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash--node-name--cri-socket= ``` ### 步骤4:部署应用程序到目标主机 最后,您可以部署您的应用程序到已配置为Windows的目标主机上。您可以使用kubectl命令来完成部署操作,如下所示: `...
Description:---[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log] There is a Windows platform for my MySQLworkbecn. Problem description:target host is configured as windows,but seems to be ...
Bug #105226RuntimeError: Target host is configured as Windows STILL present as of 8.0.26 Submitted:14 Oct 2021 10:43Modified:14 Oct 2021 16:12 Reporter:aaaaa aaaaaEmail Updates: Status:UnsupportedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL WorkbenchSeverity:S2 (Serious) ...
这样,我们就成功实现了 "target host is configured as" 的目标主机配置。 总的来说,在Kubernetes中配置 "target host is configured as" 可能会涉及到各种不同的方式,包括环境变量、ConfigMap、Secrets等。开发者可以根据具体的需求选择适合的方式来配置目标主机信息,并在部署应用程序时确保应用可以正确使用这些配置信息。
hola ! mi nombre es sanchez martin y soy de argentina, en la instalacion de mysql workbench me dice el siguiente error : Target host is configured as windows but seems to be a different os. Review the connection settings [21:54, 17/5/2023] Martin Sanchez: Excepción no controlada: el ...
This section describes how to add a target host to a host cluster.A host cluster is available, and you have the permission to add hosts to the cluster.A host that meets t
For example, the Ethernet adapter of the host PC is configured as Link-Local (169.254.x.x) while the RT Ethernet adapter is configured as static with the IP address 10.x.x.x. You can use this external link to confirm if the IP settings for the RT and host are in the same subnet....
By default, no target host information is configured. Format snmp-agent proxy target-host target-host-name address udp-domain ip-address udp-port port-number [ { source interface-type interface-number | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | public-net } | timeout timeout-interval ] * params {...
If you use key files for authentication, make sure the target machine's SSH server is running and configured properly. If you have trouble connecting to WSL onlocalhost, seeFix WSLlocalhostconnection problems. Host key verification In Visual Studio version 16.10 or later, you're asked to verify...
By default, no target host information is configured. Format snmp-agent proxy target-host target-host-name address udp-domain ip-address udp-port port-number [ { source interface-type interface-number | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | public-net } | timeout timeout-interval ] * params {...