"dev_target_held_under_reset" 是一个在使用 ST-LINK 下载程序到 STM32 微控制器时常见的错误。这个错误表明目标设备(即 STM32 微控制器)在尝试进行编程或调试时,其复位引脚(RESET pin)被持续拉低,导致设备无法正常进入编程模式。 2. 常见原因 外部电路问题:可能是外部电路中存在某些元件或连接错误地持续拉低...
“DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET” 也可能是由硬件原因造成的。我曾经在一个 PCB 上不小心弄混了一些数字,结果在 G431RB 的 3V3 和 NRST 引脚之间使用了一颗 10 欧姆电阻,而不是通常我用来连接复位开关和 NRST 引脚的 10k 电阻。 故事的结局是,我无法连接到 MCU,错误信息显示“ DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET...
I've just had my 401RE-Nucleo do this whilst debugging an external target. I've isolated the local STM32F401 processor reset, and the reset is still held low, so the STM32F103 ST-Link processor must be at fault? A reset pin failure? They are cheap enough, but there was no good ...
ST LINK 错误 (DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET) Jul*_*ane3resetstm32stm32f1 所以我使用的是 STM32F103C8T6 板,几天前它工作正常,但后来尝试使用 keil 视觉编译器加载代码,它显示此消息 STLINK Error(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET)。之后使用STM32CubeProgrammer也显示同样的问题,仅与“热插拔”模式连接,如您...
So I'm using an STM32F103C8T6 board and it was working fine a few days ago but then tried to load a code with keil vision compiler these days and it showed this message STLINK Error(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET). After that using the STM32CubeProgrammer also shows the same problem, ...
问ST链接错误(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET)EN RMQ(Range Minimum/Maximum Query),即区间最值查询...
.\n 1: Timeout while attaching to target under reset. This can happen if the target is not responding to the reset sequence. Ensure the chip's reset pin is connected, or try attaching without reset (`connectUnderReset = false` for DAP Clients, or remove `connect-under-reset` option ...
Programmer/board type: stlink v3 mini Operating system and version: Windows Stlink tools version : 1.6.1 Stlink commandline tool name: st-flash Target chip (and board if applicable): STM32G031 Commandline-Output: st-flash --connect-under...
You can also start theReset PCoperation from the sign-in screen or use a recovery drive or installation media to enter recovery mode during boot-up. Press the shift key while selectingRestartto boot into local recovery mode. Figure 1. The option to reset the PC is under 'Recovery...
The solution is to select Hardware reset under Reset mode in STM32Cube Programmer 1 Kudo Reply srikarthik0601 Associate II In response to RBharol 2024-02-06 7:15 AM I dont have a Jlink to use, is there any other way? 0 Kudos Reply Previous 1 2 Next Related...