This calculator provides you with an approximate target range for your heart rate during exercise at 50 - 85 percent of its maximum capacity.Age Resting Heart Rate (BPM) Calculate Your Target Heart Rate Zone ? Important Note This tool is not applicable to children; the maximum heart rate ...
TARGET HEART RATE CALCULATOR Age Years RESULTS Heart Rate Zone Beats Per Minute Maximum Heart Rate 90% Anaerobic 80% Interval Training 70% Aerobic 60% Light How to Use The Right Target Heart RateMaximum Heart Rate is a measure of the maximum number of times your heart can safely ...
The Target Heart Rate (THR), or Training Heart Rate, is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. Use our target heart rate calculator to calculate your target heart rate zone to exercise ...
This calculator will help you figure out your "target heart rate" for exercise. Simply fill in your resting heart rate, and your age and click "Convert". What is your resting heart rate? It is simply the number of beats per minute while your body is at rest. You should calculate this...
Use the target heart rate calculator to determine your maximum heart rate for exercise and physical activity. The heart rate calculator will help you identify the most effective heart rate zone you should be in to effectively burn calories.
Ever ask yourself, "how do I find my target heart rate?" Finding your target heart rate is easy with our target heart rate calculator. Target heart rate calculation can be determined for any age and activity level, enabling you to use a heart rate monitor and get the most benefit from ...
About Target Heart Rate Calculator The Target Heart Rate Calculator lets you calculate your target heart rate with the Karvonen method and find out your heart rate training zone. You will get the most out of your activities by staying within this zone. ...
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Most people have seen images of a heart rate monitor screen: a line with periodic sharp spikes up and down. Perhaps you can even clearly hear in your mind the beeping that occurs as these spikes appear. While these images may be ingrained in us from various medical movies and TV shows, ...
Target heart rate (THR) has always been based on a unisex formula, but now researchers say that works out to be too high for women. The new calculations are in this chart. Why the big range? If you're a newcomer to exercise (or a return visitor), aim for the lowest part of the ...