I wrote the following function to do this, but wondering if lodash already has something baked in that is more elegant. function softMerge (dest, source) { return Object.keys(dest).reduce(function (dest, key) { var sourceVal = source[key]; if (!_.isUndefined(sourceVal)) { dest[key]...
您可以使用targetGlobalSettings()覆盖at.js库中的设置,而不是在Target UI中或通过使用REST API来配置它们。 设置 您可以覆盖以下设置: aepSandboxId 类型:字符串 默认值: null 描述:可选参数,用于发送Adobe Experience Platform沙盒ID以与Target共享在非默认沙盒中创建的Adobe Experience Platform目标。 如果aepSandbox...
'submit form': function(e) { var query = { text: $(e.target).find('[name=text]').v 浏览4提问于2015-04-06得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 在IOS设备中单击下拉列表not properly in IOS device 我在我的下拉菜单中使用add/remove class来打开/关闭,也使用js来关闭外部的相同菜单。但这并不适用于...
Events in Video.js are setup so that they mimic the DOM API that is used on object, but also have helpful shorthand functions with the same functionality. on()andaddEventListener() This function is used to add an event listener to an EventTarget. ...
Note that you can query against your custom usage data while also querying against global or regional data. For example, the query> 1% in my stats, > 5% in US, 10%is permitted. JS API constbrowserslist=require('browserslist')// Your CSS/JS build tool codefunctionprocess(source,opts){cons...
您可以使用targetGlobalSettings()覆盖at.js库中的设置,而不是在Target UI中或通过使用REST API来配置它们。 设置 您可以覆盖以下设置: aepSandboxId 类型:字符串 默认值: null 描述:可选参数,用于发送Adobe Experience Platform沙盒ID以与Target共享在非默认沙盒中创建的Adobe Experience Platform目标...
That’s fine, although we should make sure that the kCreateEvent in MessagePort calls that base class function if it doesn’t recognize type (i.e. type is not in message, messageerror). Also - we currently use data on MessageEvents but the DOM uses .detail on CustomEvent, which would ...
adobe.target.getOffer({"mbox":"name_of_mbox","params":{},"success":function(offer){console.log(offer[0].content[0].greeting);},"error":function(status,error){console.log('Error',status,error);}}); Copy Toggle Text Wrapping 使用实时CDP配置文件属性的JSON选件示例 ...
<!--控制一个挂载点--> var dolist=new Vue({ el:'#todolist',data:{msg:'snn', txt:'',list:[]}, methods:{ add:function () { var txt=this.txt if(txt){ this.list.unshift(txt); this.txt='' } }, deletel:function (index)...
示例eventTarget.on('fire', function () { cc.log("fire in the hole"); }, node); off删除之前用同类型,回调,目标或 useCapture 注册的事件监听器,如果只传递 type,将会删除 type 类型的所有事件监听器。metadescription 定义于 cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:116...