Projects within Visual Studio 2010, directly, always target a particular version of the framework-family e.g. .NET Framework; projects never directly target a particular version of the underlying runtime for that framework-family e.g. CLR which is the underlying runtime...
Tools -> Target Framework Migrator Select projects and press "Migrate" Development Use Visual Studio 2017 or 2019. The integration tests are currently broken. Frameworks list Edit Frameworks.xml in main project to add new framework. Where to get Id for new framework? I get it via runtime (ch...
I can open an Experimental instance or just a regular instance, today i opened the Experimental instance to create a new project and I verified that the drop down to select a target framework had all the framework versions that I have installed (4.5, 4....
The .NET Framework 4.5 (included in Visual Studio 2012) The .NET Framework 4.5.1 (included in Visual Studio 2013) The .NET Framework 4.5.2 The .NET Framework 4.6 (included in Visual Studio 2015) The versions of the .NET Framework differ from one another in the list of assemblies th...
.Net Framework needs to be migrated to .net core for those who want to know. The proper way to do this is outlined at .Net Framework needs to be migrated to .net core for those who want to know. The proper way to do this is outlined...
in Visual Studio Installer to build Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server projects. For information on how to obtain and use this platform toolset, seeConfiguring programs for Windows XP. For more information on changing the platform toolset, seeHow to: Modify the target framework and platform ...
VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.10.0.dll Resolves the assembly paths in the target .NET Framework. C# 复制 public int ResolveAssemblyPathInTargetFx (string[] prgAssemblySpecs, uint cAssembliesToResolve, Microsof...
The Windows SDK and the .NET Framework used are also editable. (The .NET Framework applies to C++/CLI projects only). A new project uses the default .NET Framework and toolset of the Visual Studio version that you use to create the project. If you modify these values in the .vcxproj ...
Visual Studio does not compile conditionally referenced project if referred from a project with multiple target frameworks. The problem seems to emerge only if the condition refers to a .NET (Core) target framework (i.e. not a .NET Framework).A...
Migrate all your .Net projects to another .Net Framework Version at once. If you have solution with many projects and want to migrate to new version of .Net framework with just Visual Studio, you must manually change target framework in properties of every project. With this extension you can...