(2)-fat.dummy; \ sh $(TOPDIR)/scripts/combined-image.sh \ "$(KDIR_TMP)/$(2)-fat.bin" \ "$(KDIR_TMP)/$(2)-fat.dummy" \ $(call sysupname,$(1),$(2)-fat); \ fi endef define Image/Build/WZRHP $(call Sysupgrade/KRuImage,$(1),$(2),0,$$$(($(3)-4*$(4)*1024)...
@ganavyour problem is not clear to me. can you please share a dummy example that is exactly similar to your problem? Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link ganavcommentedNov 13, 2017 @hafizurcsesame code as#5948 But i am using my own CNN network. ...
Add dummy row into the first row of excel file in SSIS add leading zero in ssis Add missing columns or ignore additional columns in SSIS input file Added Column Not Appearing in Destination (Output) File Adding an Attachment Column into an existing SQL Table Adding in a unique id via derive...
Add dummy row into the first row of excel file in SSIS add leading zero in ssis Add missing columns or ignore additional columns in SSIS input file Added Column Not Appearing in Destination (Output) File Adding an Attachment Column into an existing SQL Table Adding in a unique id via der...
# Here I'm assuming some dummy data # Xtrain => [180568, 80, 1] (Note that you need Xtrain to be 3D not 2D - So we're adding a channel dimension of 1) Xtrain = np.expand_dims(np.random.normal(size=(180568, 80)), axis=-1) # Ytrain => [180568, 10] Ytrain = np.rand...