Application doesn't exit after I click close button on caption bar (the (X) button on upper right corner). Application keeps running in the background even after closing. Application Path Base directory application pointing to older version of dll Application settings in dll.config Application.Do...
target pattern contains no '%' Stop. 新解。 最近在学习NDK,跟着网上的教程一步步的创建了一个NDK项目。结果编译的时候出现了上面的异常。google了一下,看到有老外说,要把make改成3.8.0。这边有个同事也遇到这个问题,而且按描述也升级了。结果,直接导致不能编译。有了前车之鉴,我仔细看想了一下这个问题。觉...
std::cout << "\t" << currentRule.recipe << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // Clear current rule currentRule = TargetRule(); } // Extract new rule = match[1]; if(!isLastDependencyLine) { std::string dependencies = match[2]; // H...
NDK编译报错: /Users/gezhaoyou/Downloads/signal/obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/serphone/GroupCallback.o.d:1: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop. NDK 编译错误,开始没有注意到这个问题,查了好久,删掉jni同级目录的obj目录重新编译即可,ndk-build clean无效,必须删除文件夹...
NDK编译报错:NDK 编译错误,开始没有注意到这个问题,查了好久,删掉 jni 同级目录的 obj 目录重新编译即可, ndk-build clean 无效,必须删除文件夹
Javadoc.gmk:344: *** target pattern contains no '%'。 停止。 /home/tsit/tsjdk8-project/tsjdk8//make/Main.gmk:160: recipe for target 'docs-only' failed make: *** [docs-only] Error 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 吾哪里改错了?仔细想了半天,没发现可疑的地方。怎么办?挨个查。怀疑到了时间字串影...
I tried also "git clone" and execute makepkg -si : I get exactly the same error during the "package()" step, I suspect a problem with package versions (for the dependencies), the PKGBUILD doesn't check the version of dependencies, it checks only ...
$(OUT_FILES): $(SRC_FILES) cp $< $@ ...which works, but it rebuilds every single file if any of the sources change.(Remember that my actual transformation isn't justcp, it's a relatively expensive operation, so this is undesirable)...
make gives the following error: Makefile:209: *** target pattern contains no '%'. Stop. Line 209 is: $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/dport_access.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-array-bounds My paths is E:\esp\esp-idf I am on windows 10. I have downloaded t...
It's a pitty, but make doesn't warn about that. It seems that when a pattern based rule is missing a prerequisite than it's just ignored. The built-in .o creation rule is used instead. Jonathan Leffler's proposal of ${OBJECTS}: ${HDR} brought that up, because than there's an er...