Myeclipse 中使用Ant 提示下面错误 “target xx does not exist in this project”我在工程根目录下有一个build.xml,首先可以肯定的是这个xml文件没有任何问题,因为其他同事都可以正常使用,我以前用eclipse也出现过这样的问题,重装了tomcat插件以后问题就解决了. 现在用myeclipse还是有这样的问题,我想知道问题的原因是...
MSB4057: The target 'target name' does not exist in the project. Check the spelling of the target and ensure that it's present in the project file or its imports. Check the logic of conditions to make sure that the target is included under the relevant conditions. ...
Description Starting from today on we are seeing jobs failing with Error MSB4057 where before we had no errors. I have narrowed two builds for the same commit that present different behaviours. Both throw Error MSB4057 but in different j...
The target "GetCopyToPublishDirectoryItems" does not exist in the project. To replicate: Create a new ASP.NET Core Project (.NET Framework), and solution. Add a new Class Library project (.NET Framework) to the solution. Reference the Class Library project in the .NET Core project. ...
在使用win8之后,安装Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Beta2后出现The target "GetCopyToOutputDirectoryContentProjectItems" does not exist in the project的错误(新建的工程,还未假如任何代码),在各大论坛学习之后,终于将这个问题解决了.现在将解决方案献给大家,希望高手略过,新手遇到的能顺利解决.好了,不说那么多废话了....
Trying to build a C++ project, but keep on getting this error : error MSB4057: The target “Build” does not exist in the project. How/where do I create one? (or copy from a template, maybe ?)C++web Pinned NH Microsoft Resolution - Nicole Hu [MSFT] Closed - N...
We see an error “The target BuildOnlySettings does not exist in the project.” when the project uses Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop (sdk 3.1.301) and the project contains two WPF user controls, one referencing the other in the XAML. ...
该项目中不存在目标 precomputecompiletypescript The target "PreComputeCompileTypeScript" does not exist in the project OpenMicrosoft.TypeScript.targetsfile located underC:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\TypeScriptand add the following before</Project>tag...
I have recently installed the new Azure development tools for Visual Studio 2010 service pack 1. Every time that I try to publish an existing website (using file system deployment) I get the following error: The targe...