check the build-profile.json5 file of the project root directory and make sure the targets of the modules in configuration is set to specified product: default in applytoproducts.",我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查build-profile.json5文件是否存在: 确保在项目的根目录下存在build-profile....
If you want to create URL Equals, operator must be passed. Update: Not allowed. You cannot update the dynamic ad target operator or value fields. To update the webpage conditions you must delete the dynamic ad target and add a new one. Delete: Read-only...
在使用UIAbilityContext时报401“The context must be a valid Context”的Context类型错误 应用、元服务和卡片是什么关系 系统应用、三方应用、预置应用有什么差别 如何设置默认语言和应用名称为中文 如何查询应用进程的pid信息 除应用市场外,是否存在其它途径下载安装应用包 app.json5文件与工程级build-profile...
Connection.GSSNegotiateToken MUST be set to an empty array. Connection.Dialect, if implemented, MUST be set to "Unknown". Connection.RequireSigning MUST be set to FALSE. Connection.ServerName MUST be set to the application-supplied server name. Connection.CompressionIds, if implemented, MUST...
A behavior configuration can be either a string specifying the behavior class or an array of the following structure: 'behaviorName' => [ 'class' => 'BehaviorClass', 'property1' => 'value1', 'property2' => 'value2', ] Note that a behavior class must extend from yii\base\Behavior...
Oracle Retail Demand Forecasting Cloud Service - Version 19.0 and later: Export Hierarchy Data Task Failed Due to "unable to remove target: Directory not empty"
To use Amazon S3 as a target, the account used for the migration must have write and delete access to the Amazon S3 bucket that is used as the target. Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has the permissions required to access Amazon S3. AWS DMS supports a set...
‘/var/lib/foreman-proxy/ssh/.ssh’; unable to remove target: Directory not empty error: %pre(rubygem-smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh-0.2.1-2.el7sat.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 Error in PREIN scriptlet in rpm package rubygem-smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh-0.2.1-2.el7sat...
be used only if the target is not already registered with the server. If the target is already registered, it is not assigned to the target group. in thetrc.propertiesfile on the server must be set to Yes for theGroupLabelproperty value to be ap...
Property Value String Attributes ParameterAttributeValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute Applies to 產品版本 Active Directory Federation Services10.0.0.0 在此文章 Definition Applies to