本期带来的飞镖是来自Target的范·巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)退役限量版,Legacy直译是遗产的意思,这里我们还是叫它退役限量款或者直接叫Legacy限量款。早在2018年11月巴尼宣布了2020年世锦赛结束完就退役的消息后,相信广大镖迷就在期待这款飞镖了,就像当初泰勒(Phil Taylor)退役一样,大家都知道Target会为其推出退役限...
包装及外观 飞镖的外包装有一个带泰勒照片的黑色塑料保护套,这点比之前Target推出的泰勒世界飞镖竞技大赛限量款和巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)的Legacy退役限量款都要优秀,之前的都是塑料透明的保护套,档次都没法和这套相比。 保护套的背面贴有本套飞镖的条形码信息标签,同时标签上面有飞镖的限量编号,这点做到了多码...
飞镖的外包装有一个带泰勒照片的黑色塑料保护套,这点比之前Target推出的泰勒世界飞镖竞技大赛限量款和巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)的Legacy退役限量款都要优秀,之前的都是塑料透明的保护套,档次都没法和这套相比。 保护套的背面贴有本套飞镖的二维码信息标签,同时标签上面有飞镖的限量编号,这点做到了多码合一。 包装...
包装及外观 这是一套Target的限量款飞镖,限量3000套。起初以为这套飞镖会采用Target高端飞镖都会使用的大盒子作为包装,但最终还是选用了比较简单,封面可以打开的纤薄包装,和Target的泰勒,范·巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)系列款的盒子一致,比较有特点的就是围绕奖杯的克罗斯照片设计以及他的蓝绿色配色。 包装背面介绍了一...
He beat former world champions and his idol Raymond van Barneveld on his way to the final to truly announce himself on the world stage. Because of Littler, darts became front-page news, the talk of every UK television news show, and the 2024 World Darts Championship enjoyed record-breaking...
Established in 1979 and operating from our headquarters in Harlow, Essex, we design and manufacture high-performance darts for professional and recreational players. We work with some of the sports most iconic players from Raymond van Barneveld and Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor through to new superstar...
The Dutchman has darts running through his veins and while other players may take to the practice boards, Van Gerwen feels he plays enough competitions in order to keep himself hungry. Be it a qualifying event where he is up against his opponent with just the refer...
Established in 1979 and operating from our headquarters in Harlow, Essex, we design and manufacture high-performance darts for professional and recreational players. We work with some of the sports most iconic players from Raymond van Barneveld and Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor through to new superstar...
相较于其他签约镖手的飞镖包装,目前Target旗下只有泰勒和巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)的包装封面可以打开,有一个单独展示的界面,象征着世界冠军次数的16彰显泰勒的伟大。 包装盒依然保留了非常人性化的开盒设计,不会因为拿镖出来而把盒子整变形。 简洁的包装设计,同上一代保持一致。
这是一套Target的限量款飞镖,限量3000套。起初以为这套飞镖会采用Target高端飞镖都会使用的大盒子作为包装,但最终还是选用了比较简单,封面可以打开的纤薄包装,和Target的泰勒,范·巴尼(Raymond van Barneveld)系列款的盒子一致,比较有特点的就是围绕奖杯的克罗斯照片设计以及他的蓝绿色配色。