过去的三十多年里,基于靶点的药物发现(Target-based Drug Discovery, TDD)是药物发现的主要方法。由于靶点明确,使用TDD很容易设计药物筛选试验,因此在过去有大量的成功案例。使用TDD方法来开发药物,药物发现的时间、过程和所需资源都是可预测的。 智药邦 2021/06/07 1.2K0 Nat. Rev. Drug. Discov. | 氘在药物...
https://targetmine.mizuguchilab.org/bluegenes/targetmine Chen Y A, Allendes Osorio R S, Mizuguchi K. TargetMine 2022: a new vision into drug target analysis[J]. Bioinformatics, 2022, 38(18): 4454-4456. 《生信了》2022年10月
Each probe was scored based on potential cross-hybridization (self-dimer2), melting temperature, potential folding (stem-loop), relative position to the target, and sequence complexity. Top probes selected by OligoWiz were filtered by AutoDimer to remove probes with high potential for cross-...
Here, we used cell-based assays to investigate the role of lysosomes and autophagy in cellular degradation and cytotoxicity of autophagy-lysosomal pGa2th6wRaaypinoAhu-Imfainbreimlsb(rayponoiAc-kIiIdownaeyfi(bHriElKs)). 2A9p3ocAel-lsI,Iowwha ifcihbrreilssulwteedriendaelogsrsa ded via the of ...
Elsevier和FDA之间合作将提出一种算法,用于准确预测药物诱发的肝损伤。Drug Target Review调查了该毒理学项目将为药物发现行业带来的好处。 确保候选药物进行毒性分析是药物开发过程的重要且必不可少的阶段。去年11月,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)和美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的美国国家毒理学研究中心(NCTR)宣布,他们将进入一项...
New drug developments for c-MET inhibitors offer the potential for better cancer treatment. Clinical trials of these c-MET inhibitors need to be performed to confirm the efficacy and safety. Moreover, insight into the improved safety and efficacy of clinical cancer therapy based on combined ...
Conformational restriction: An effective tactic in 'follow-on'-based drug discovery. Future Med. Chem. 2014, 6, 885–901. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 2. Barreiro, E.J.; Fraga, C.A.M. Química Medicinal. As Bases Moleculares da Ação dos Fármacos, 3rd ed.; Atrmed: Porto Alegre, ...
This statistic makes it clear that cell lines are limited in their predictive power for drug and biomarker discovery research. For prostate cancer, cell line-based models are particularly limiting as isolated primary cells do not survive in culture long term [2], and the field has relied on ...
Identification of Drug-Specific Pathways Based on Gene Expression Data: Application to Drug Induced Lung Injury. Integr. Biol. 2015, 7, 904–920. [CrossRef] 67. Pathania, S.; Randhawa, V.; Bagler, G. Prospecting for Novel Plant-Derived Molecules of Rauvolfia Serpentina as Inhibitors of ...
which makes it markedly different from its nondeamidated counterpart and (b) the reported increase in deamidated HsTIM in some cellular systems [15,16], we propose that deamidated HsTIM can be a selective molecular target for drug design based on similar inhibition mechanisms as those demonstrated...