having an interior that is more spacious than could be imagined from looking at the outside [C20: after theTardis, a time-travel device in the television seriesDoctor Whothat is larger on the inside than the outside ] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
the city's supervisory A.I., who had created android duplicates of Susan and several others, the Doctor was able to help the citizens of Arkhaven leave their dying world in a landing module upgraded with a life capsule from the TARDIS, giving the ship more interior space without increasing...
The new Doctor Who TARDIS interior revealed! - GeekDadKen Denmead
The TARDIS model itself is a 3:75 scale “Spin & Fly” model. The case to show everything off is built from foam core and the interior is built from foam core, silver paper, cardboard, styrene and other bits and pieces. There looks like there’s some EL wire being used, too, alon...
Working in the previous TARDIS it became apparent that the gallery was not only difficult to get to, but awkward to use and so the idea of a gallery that could go right around the interior and give a lot of scope for shooting would be a positive design feature以前T娘的主控室(Gallery)...
The Celestial Toymaker was the seventh serial of season 3 of Doctor Who. It introduced the Toymaker, a recurring villain in the franchise. Most notably, the serial almost wrote William Hartnell out of the series: producer John Wiles's original idea for d