Susan defined the acronym with both the singular dimension (TV: "An Unearthly Child") and the plural dimensions. (AUDIO: The Beginning) Vicki used the plural "dimensions" when explaining the term to Steven. (TV: "The Watcher")
(TV: The Wall of Lies [+]) and the First Doctor himself, (TV: The Brink of Disaster [+], The Rescue [+], Marco Polo [+], The Sensorites [+], Flashpoint [+]) as did the Fifth Doctor, (AUDIO: The Toy [+]) the Eighth Doctor (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions [+]) and the First...
What became of these travelers is…unknown, but these fabled timeships of immense power remained…waiting to be rediscovered and yearning…to once again journey throughTime And Relative Dimensions In Space! === About The New TARDIS Mod is a technology mod that adds a pocket dimension which can...
What became of these travelers is…unknown, but these fabled timeships of immense power remained…waiting to be rediscovered and yearning…to once again journey throughTime And Relative Dimensions In Space! === About The New TARDIS Mod is a technology mod that adds ...
While the Doctor discovered Igrix' plans to destroy the Moon and prevent humanity from venturing out into space, killing any scientist who would create things "that would make people unhappy", Rose went to Peter's office to find out why he could have been murdered, discovering Peter's work...
TV: Dimensions in Time, PROSE: Storm in a Tikka While the Doctor met with Zoe Heriot on a space station, Ace visited the station's chemistry lab. (PROSE: Dream a Little Dream for Me) After Ace helped the Doctor counter the First Rani's plot to control the universe, Ace and the Do...
Since the Doctor could not help but interfere whenever things went wrong, they frequently stood in the way of the Division's plans without knowing, becoming a power they could not account for. As a result of the Doctor's influence, Tecteun sought to end this universe, to begin again ...
Following Andred's death, she explored a number of alternate Gallifreys in other dimensions and restored her sight in one of them by drinking blood. During the Last Great Time War, she met the Doctor again. After the war, Leela became a prisoner of the Z'nai and died in their ...
(TV:Village of the Angels) OnDivision Control, all the way out inthe voidbetweendimensions, Tecteun revealed herself to the Doctor, explained the Division's plans, and made sure to highlight that it was in factthe Doctor's influence on the universewhich "forced" them to seek this option,...
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