For larger tarantulas, however, the full process can take a few moults to complete. Initially the regrown leg may appear shorter, spindlier, and may not fully match the original colour. Sometimes you’ll see a tarantula for sale in a pet store that seems to have one leg much smaller tha...
I've been keeping and breeding exotic pets for over 25 years. I currently live in the East Midlands in the UK, and keep a collection of several hundred tarantulas, mantis and more. You might also enjoy... Do Male Tarantulas Die After Mating?Male and female tarantulas live very different ...
I've been keeping and breeding exotic pets for over 25 years. I currently live in the East Midlands in the UK, and keep a collection of several hundred tarantulas, mantis and more. You might also enjoy... How To Heat A Large Number Of Small VivariumsHeating a single vivarium such as ...