到此为至,我们已经介绍过linux下的tar、gzip、gunzip、bzip2、bunzip2、compress 、 uncompress、 zip、unzip、rar、unrar等程式,你应该已经能够使用它们对.tar 、.gz、.tar.gz、.tgz、.bz2、.tar.bz2、. Z、.tar.Z、.zip、.rar这10种压缩文 件进行解压了,以后应该不需要为下载了一个软件而不知道如何在Linu...
-f <file>:指定归档文件的名称(必须放在选项列表的最后)。 -C <directory>:切换到指定目录进行操作。 --exclude=<pattern>:排除匹配指定模式的文件。 --exclude-from=<file>:从指定文件读取要排除的模式。 --exclude-caches:排除目录中的缓存文件。 --exclude-backups:排除以~结尾的备份文件。 --exclude-vcs:...
file 命令确认 archive.tar 是一个存档: [myuser@localhost]$ file archive.tar archive.tar: POSIX tar archive (GNU) 另一个有用的标志是-v标志,它提供在 Linux 上执行tar命令期间处理的文件的详细输出。 如果我们在创建存档时也传递 -v 标志,让我们看看输出如何变化: [myuser@localhost]$ tar -cfv arch...
Using the terminal to extract.tar.gzfiles is convenient because users can modify the commands using different options. The following text presents three tools for unzipping .tar.gz archives in Linux. How to Unzip .tar.gz in Linux using tar To unzip the .tar.gz file, use thetarcommand with...
How to List and Extract tar.xz File in Linux How to Add, Delete, and Update Files in Tar Archive in Linux In this guide, we shall take a look at how to extract tar files to a specific or different directory, where you want the files to reside. ...
Handling of file attributes: --atime-preserve[=METHOD] preserve access times on dumped files, either by restoring the times after reading (METHOD='replace'; default) or by not setting the times in the first place (METHOD='system')
Linux shell编程学习笔记76:tar命令——快照 & 备份(上),提取系统快照和备份文件都是我们的日常工作。在Windows中,我们可以创建系统还原点,在需要的时候可以把系统还原回去。在Linux中,我们可以使用tar命令来实现。
the filesinthe archive --sort=ORDER directory sorting order: none (default), name or inode Handling of extended file attributes: --acls Enable the POSIX ACLs support --no-acls Disable the POSIX ACLs support --no-selinux Disable the SELinux context support ...
Tar command on Linux The tar (tape archive) command is used to create and extract archives in Linux. It can compress and store multiple files in a single archive. The commonly seen file extensions are .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 which is a tar archive further compressed using gzip or bzip algo...
A system running Linux. Access to the command line/terminal. A file or files for testing the command. Tar Command Syntax Thetarcommand general syntax is: tar <operation mode> <archive> <file(s) or location(s)> Operation modeindicates which operation executes on the files (creation, extract...