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解决ArchLinux 安装时 报 error: could not read db 'extra' (Damaged tar archive) 近期,在重装Archlinux时出现了一个奇怪的报错,死活卡在pacstrap这一步下不去,记录一下解决的方案。 方法:把/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist中https改为http即可。网上大多数教程的源都是https这在20年年初还有以前都没有出过问题,但...
Damaged tar archive #105 New issue Closed Description Terizian openedon May 3, 2020 I have created an environment on conda then installed conda-pack in the base environment using the command: conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack I then ran conda pack -n my_env with my environment nam...
But this time, something strange happened. This wget command caused an error in the compressedtar.gzfile. After the container was running, the tar command gave an errorinvalid magic, which means tar file was damaged. Then I tried to add an irrelevantls /rootafter the compression command. Wha...
Mohammad Jamali
or in /etc directory. RAR for Windows reads configuration information from the file rar.ini,placed in the same directory as the rar.exe file. This file may contain the following string: switches=any RAR switches,separated by spaces For example: switches=-m5 -s Environment variable ~~~ Defaul...
or in /etc directory. RAR for Windows reads configuration information from the file rar.ini,placed in the same directory as the rar.exe file. This file may contain the following string: switches=any RAR switches,separated by spaces For example: switches=-m5 -s Environment variable ~~~ Defaul...