--block-number ] [ --record-size SIZE ] [ --recursion ] [ --recursive- unlink ] [ --remove-files ] [ --rmt-command CMD ] [ --rsh-command CMD ] [ -s, --same-order, --preserve-order ] [ -S, --sparse ] [ --same-owner ] [ --show-defaults ] [ --show-omitted-dirs ]...
files.lst是要打包的文件列表 tar中--exclude的用法 tarczvforacle.tar.gzoracle--excludeoracle/oradata--excludeoracle/admin/shvoip--excludeoracle/doc 如何使用tar进行排除一个目录的备份 你打包/home这个目录,/home/123/是你不想打包的目录。 tarcvfmy.bak.tar/home--exclude/home/123 tarexclude Pub...
A backup is taken using the following command:tar -cvf abcdef.tar /usr/local/include/tcpd.h The operator is in the directory /usr/local/restores and runs the following command: tar -xvf abcdef.tar.Where will the file be restored?()...
tarcvfmy.bak.tar/home--exclude/home/123 tarexclude PublishedatFebruary20,2008inC/C++. 搞了半天tar的exclude要放在最後尾端才行: tarjcvfWLANIntercept_20080220.tar.bzWLANIntercept/–exclude=Debug 需要备份/home/software/test下内容, 不包含里面的目录005 ...
Re: tar command tar cvf For example:tar cvf /dev/rmt/0m /etcWhen you specify a full path name from root for the directory (ie: it stars with /), it will do what you want.Good luck!Vince No matter where you go, there you are. 0 Kudos Reply Ragni Singh Super Advisor ...
The example command above written in the short-option style could look like: tar -cvf a.tar /etc or tar -c -v -f a.tar /etc In GNU or long-option style, each option begins with two dashes and has a meaningful name, consisting of lower-case letters and dashes. When used, the ...
.PP The example command above written in the .B short-option style could look like: .PP .EX tar \-cvf etc.tar /etc .EE or .EX tar \-c \-v \-f etc.tar /etc .EE .PP In .BR "GNU " or " long-option style" , each option begins with two dashes and has a meaningful name...
[root@linux ~]# tar -cvf /tmp/etc.tar /etc<==仅打包,不压缩! [root@linux ~]# tar -zcvf /tmp/etc.tar.gz /etc<==打包后,以gzip压缩 [root@linux ~]# tar -jcvf /tmp/etc.tar.bz2 /etc<==打包后,以bzip2压缩 #特别注意,在参数f之后的档案档名是自己取的,我们习惯上都用.tar来作为辨识...
obtar -cvf tape0 /dev On the other hand, the following command causes obtar to open /dev/sd0a, /dev/sd13a, /dev/sd13b, and so on and write the entire contents of the underlying raw file systems to the backup image: Copy obtar -cvf tape0 /dev/sd0a /dev/sd13* Because ...
tar -cvf /tmp2/vbe/find_test -C $(find . -print|grep -v )All the bestVictor 0 Kudos Reply Bob_Vance Esteemed Contributor 11-10-2003 03:03 AM Re: Another Question About Tar Another, perhaps slightly more general, dynamic command example :>)(cd /d2tar ; tar cvf /dev...