Taqman Copy Number Assay定制界面: https://www.thermofisher.com/order/custom-genomic-products/tools/copy-number-variation/ 定制成功后,网站会返回Assay ID,使用Assay ID及货号即可下单。 Q7、对于定制的Assays,是否可以使用之前已有的Assay ID直接下单? A: 可以。 Q8、对于TaqMan Gene Expression Assay或TaqMan ...
TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assays 具有 VIC™ 染料–标记的 TAMRA™ 探针和参比序列–特异性正向和反向引物。这些测定不受引物限制。推荐将 TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay RNase P作为拷贝数分析的标准参比测定。该测定试剂盒检测染色体 14、cytoband 14q11.2 上的核糖核酸酶 P RNA 组分 H1 (H1...
Copy number variation TaqMan® Copy Number Assays are run together with a TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay in a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The Copy Number Assay detects the target gene or genomic sequence of interest and the Reference ...
1. 选择“Gene Expression”; 2. 选择“All Gene Expression Assays”,也可以根据具体需求选择非编码RNA(Noncoding RNA only),融合基因检测assay(Fusion)等; 3. 选择物种。如果为人/小鼠/大鼠以外的物种, 4. 在“Enter target information”下的对话框中输入基因名称或缩写,或在“Enter Single Sequence”下的对话...
A:可以在Assay Search界面中点击“Required reference assays”进行选择,如下图。 针对部分基因和位点,我们同时提供wild type assay和gene reference assay,两者均可以作为对照使用,优先推荐wild type assay。而对于没有提供wild type assay的基因和位点,可以选择gene reference assay作为对照。
1. 选择“Gene Expression”; 2. 选择“All Gene Expression Assays”,也可以根据具体需求选择非编码RNA(Noncoding RNA only),融合基因检测assay(Fusion)等; 3. 选择物种。如果为人/小鼠/大鼠以外的物种,点击“More”进行选择; 4. 在“Enter target information”下的对话框中输入基因名称或缩写,或在“Enter Sing...
The mouse collection includes over 180,000 assays targeting gene exons. Assays to common vector marker and reporter genes are also available for transgenic studies. Need a custom designed TaqMan® Copy Number Assay? Start here > 保存条件: 说明书地址: 点击查看详细 打印此页 关闭此页 上一个...
Assay 4448892 TAQMAN GENE EX ASSAYS MTO, XS 00 Assay 4453320 TAQMAN GENE EX ASSAYS INV, XS 00 Assay 4444913 TQMN ARRY HMN URNA A+B CRDS V3 EACH Assay 4444909 TQMN ARRAY RODENT MRNA A+B SET V3.0 Assay 4351382 TaqMan® Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays(Non-human) Assay 4351384 TaqMan...
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays are available in easy-to-use96-well platesand higher-throughput384-well array cards. Order from our collection of gene signature panels or customize your own plates or cards. 384-well plates can also be configured with any pre-designed or custom assay using Specialt...
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays(超过1,000,000个预设计试剂盒,覆盖20个物种) miRNA分析试剂盒 TaqMan MicroRNA Assays (Sanger v14.0数据库,超过2000个预设计试剂盒,覆盖6大模式物种) SNP分析试剂盒(基因分型) TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays(超过4,500,000个人类预设计分析试剂盒) ...