Tapu Koko recuperar parte do momentum que perde ao remover entry hazards e também facilita previsões durante o jogo, mas vem com a desvantagem de deixar Tapu Koko incapaz de ameaçar Ground-types. Alternativamente, Hidden Power Ice permite a Tapu Koko danificar bastante os Ground-types,...
Fairy Immune to: Dragon Resists: Bug Dark Electric Fighting Flying Weak to: Ground Poison Abilities Electric Surge On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. Tier OU HP:70 Attack:115 Defense:85 Sp. Atk:95 Sp. Def:75 Speed:130 ...
18.6 kg Base experience yield 257 Leveling rate Slow EV yield Total: 3 0 HP 0 Atk 0 Def 3 Sp.Atk 0 Sp.Def 0 Speed Shape Footprint Pokédex color Pink Base friendship 70 External Links On Smogon Pokédex Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives Tapu Lele (Japanese: カプ・テテフ Kapu-Tete...
分享一个核果模式攻队一楼给河马 1666 po吧 我就是一个悖论 M螃蟹的彗星拳和铁头的疑问看了12月份smogon吧bankou1825分段的一个分析: | Moves | Meteor Mash 95.424% | Zen Headbutt 68.844% | Earthquake 56.007% | Ice Pu 270赞 一粒尘埃tc吧 一粒尘埃asd 日月ou队 分享10赞 夜雪新生吧 ___畩染丶 ...
Tapu Koko doit venir sur des Pokémon dont il ne craint aucune attaque, comme Boréas-Totémique et Prédastérie, et continuer de générer du momentum à partir de là. Des choix aggressifs, tels que des doubles switchs, sont à privilégier contre des Pokémon utilisant Abri comme Bam...
all while pressuringKyuremand drawing inDragalgeto chip it.Tapu Kokothreatens Water-types andCinderaceand brings Tapu Fini in against foes such asLandorus-Twith U-turn.Clefableis a strong utility option, providing Knock Off and Stealth Rock support while threatening Steel-types such as Ferrothorn ...
Tapu Fini consegue enfrentar Heatran, Mega Lopunny e Mega Heracross para Ferrothorn, enquanto Ferrothorn fornece cobertura contra Clefable com Calm Mind, Magearna sem Focus Blast e Tapu Koko. Da mesma maneira, Tangrowth e Celesteela oferecem uma sinergia parecida e utilizam bem Defog de Tapu ...
Tapu Fini übernimmt Pokémon wie Heatran, Mega Lopunny und Mega Heracross für Ferrothorn, während es Pokémon wie Calm Mind-Clefable, Magearna ohne Focus Blast und Tapu Koko checkt. Ebenfalls bieten Celesteela und Tangrowth dieselbe Synergie und schätzen Tapu Finis Fähigkeit, Hazards ...
An immunity to status through Misty Terrain makes Tapu Fini an excellent Calm Mind user. The spread survivesLandorus-T’s Tectonic Rage, and OHKOes back with +1 Muddy Water, as well as TimidTapu Koko’s Thunderbolt. Leftovers and Sitrus Berry are viable alternative items, although rarely heal...
Electric- and Grass-types: The metagame has a plethora of offensive Electric- and Grass-types like Tapu Koko, Zeraora, Arctozolt, Rillaboom, and Kartana, all of which outspeed and deal significant damage to Tapu Fini. Chip Damage: Because Tapu Fini is fully reliant on Leftovers and the ...