Tapu Bulu#0787 Stats HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Although it’s called a guardian deity, it’s violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an enemy. Versions: Evolutions This Pokémon does not evolve. Tapu Bulu#0787 ...
0786 Tapu Lele 0787 Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini 0788 Type Grass Fairy Weakness Fire Ice Flying Steel Height 1.9 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 45.5 kg Gender Ability Grassy Surge Versions Although it's called a guardian deity, it's violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an ...
Type: Null • Silvally • Tapu Koko • Tapu Lele • Tapu Bulu • Tapu Fini Cosmog • Cosmoem • Solgaleo • Lunala • Necrozma Generation VIII: Zacian • Zamazenta • Eternatus • Kubfu • Urshifu Regieleki • Regidrago • Glastrier • Spectrier • Calyrex See...
0786 Tapu Lele 0787 Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini 0788 Type Grass Fairy Weakness Fire Ice Flying Steel Height 1.9 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 45.5 kg Gender Ability Grassy Surge Versions Although it's called a guardian deity, it's violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an ...
0786 Tapu Lele 0787 Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini 0788 Type Grass Fairy Weakness Fire Ice Flying Steel Height 1.9 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 45.5 kg Gender Ability Grassy Surge Versions Although it's called a guardian deity, it's violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an ...
better to focus on controlling the Terrain; in others, it might be better to focus on maintaining advantageous type matchups. For example, even aided by Misty Terrain it wouldn’t be easy for the Water-type Tapu Fini to take on the Electric-type Tapu Koko or the Grass-type Tapu Bulu. ...
Tapu Lele é melhor utilizada como cleaner no late game; Azumarill e Tapu Bulu são aliados fantásticos para enfraquecer a equipe oponente em preparação. Azumarill éútil contra Steel- e Fire-types, como Celesteela, Heatran, Victini e Cinderace, enquanto Tapu Bulu pode desmantelar Elec...
0786 Tapu Lele 0787 Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini 0788 Type Grass Fairy Weakness Fire Ice Flying Steel Height 1.9 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 45.5 kg Gender Ability Grassy Surge Versions Although it's called a guardian deity, it's violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an ...
Pflanzen-Typen: Tapu Bulu, Kartana und Serperior zerstören Tapu Fini mit ihren jeweiligen Pflanzen-STAB-Attacken, jedoch riskiert das erstgenannte Pokémon eine Verbrennung durch Scald. Ebenfalls sind Pokémon wie Mega Venasaur und Amoonguss für Tapu Fini problematisch. Elektro-Typen und -Co...
0785 Tapu Koko 0786 Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu 0787 Type Psychic Fairy Weakness Poison Ghost Steel Height 1.2 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 18.6 kg Gender Ability Psychic Surge Versions It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This ...