:ss/tapu bulu:The Legend Gauntlet: Match Two, Round Four:ss/tapu bulu: Team Florina Liastacia :bw/krilowatt::life orb: Electric/Water |...
252HP/252Spe+ Fini this gen is similar to 252HP/252Spe+ Heatran last gen: It still checks what it needs to checks due to typing + natural bulk, still can stallbreak with Taunt plus the speed gives it the edge vs slower wallbreakers (Mamoswine, Modest Hydreigon, Tapu Bulu, etc). If...
18.6 kg Base experience yield 257 Leveling rate Slow EV yield Total: 3 0 HP 0 Atk 0 Def 3 Sp.Atk 0 Sp.Def 0 Speed Shape Footprint Pokédex color Pink Base friendship 70 External Links On Smogon Pokédex Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives Tapu Lele (Japanese: カプ・テテフ Kapu-Tete...
哞哞本来是4只卡璞中我比较不喜欢的一个,但是双打打了这么久用的最舒服的就是这个哞哞了,特此准备了3只4种打法的哞哞,来写一篇关于哞哞的简单 那么请出主角 卡璞 哞哞/tapu bulu/タプ ブルル 属性:草仙(6个2倍抗,1无效,4个2倍克制,1个四倍) 分享10782 战锤40000吧 lzzzc 新坑《Red Tithe》自流放...
Klefkiis a superb teammate for Tapu Fini, as not only does it set dual screens to let Tapu Fini set up more easily, but it is also immune to Poison. It can also set Spikes to assist Tapu Fini's sweep attempts.Tapu Buluis also a great teammate, as it can deal with Toxapex and Ma...
Tapu Buluè anche un ottimo compagno di squadra, in quanto può gestire Toxapex e Mantine, entrambi problematici per Tapu Fini. Tuttavia, quest'ultimo è problematico solo se si utilizza Substitute. Tapu Bulu può anche gestire fastidiosi tipi Steel e Poison, come Ferrothorn e Galarian Slow...
Um set mais ofensivo de Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Fire e Dazzling Gleam com Fairium Z pode ser considerado para permitir a Tapu Koko contornar alguns de seus checks, notavelmenteTapu Bulu,TangrowtheHippowdon, uma vez que eles estejam levemente enfraquecidos. No entanto, o custo...
Grass-types: Tapu Bulu, Kartana e Serperior derrotam Tapu Fini com seus respectivos STABs Grass-type. Dito isso, Tapu Bulu corre o risco de receber burn de Scald. Electric-types e Coverage: Tapu Koko pode ser uma grande ameaça usando sets de Defog, além de ele poder fornecer suporte...
Pflanzen-Typen: Tapu Bulu, Kartana und Serperior zerstören Tapu Fini mit ihren jeweiligen Pflanzen-STAB-Attacken, jedoch riskiert das erstgenannte Pokémon eine Verbrennung durch Scald. Ebenfalls sind Pokémon wie Mega Venasaur und Amoonguss für Tapu Fini problematisch. Elektro-Typen und -Co...
it does considerably more damage without needing a boost and also hitsAmoongussandTapu Bulu. Choice Scarf Tapu Fini might seem a bit out of place, but when used in conjunction with Soak and a strong Electric- or Grass-type likeTapu KokoorKartana, it can be quite valuable. Soak also has ...