Bulk Density是指物料在自然堆积状态下的密度,反映了物料的堆积效率和空隙率。而Tapped Density则是在物料被压实后的密度,更侧重于评估物料的流动性和填充性。Particle Density则是指单个颗粒的密度,与物料的整体堆积状态无关。这些密度概念在材料科学和工业生产中各有其应用场景和重要性。 ...
616 BULK DENSITY AND TAPPED DENSITY 松密度和紧密度 The bulk density of a solid is often very difficult to measure since the slightest disturbance of the bed may result in a new bulk density. Moreover, it is clear that the bulking properties of a powder are dependent on the “history” ...
tappeddensitybulk量筒粉末翻译 616BULKDENSITYANDTAPPEDDENSITY USP<616>BULKDENSITYANDTAPPEDDENSITY 固体的松密度的测量很困难,测量时,轻微的震动就会导致松密度的不同。因此,可以知道 粉末的松散性取决于粉末的来历。而且压紧之后,会有一个密度范围。因此,报告松密度时, 必须说明结果是如何得到的。 微粒的相互作用不仅...
Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Part 8: Determination of tapped bulk density 先进技术陶瓷陶瓷粉的试验方法第8部分:捣装密度的测定
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语,韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语的免费在线翻译服务。
内容提示: 616 BULK DENSITY AND TAPPED DENSITY USP<616>BULK DENSITY AND TAPPED DENSITY 固体的松密度的测量很困难, 测量时, 轻微的震动就会导致松密度的不同。 因此, 可以知道粉末的松散性取决于粉末的来历。 而且压紧之后, 会有一个密度范围。 因此, 报告松密度时,必须说明结果是如何得到的。 微粒的相互...
616 BULK DENSITY AND TAPPED DENSITY The bulk density of a solid is often very difficult to measure since the slightest disturbance of the bed may result in a new bulk density. Moreover, it is clear that the bulking properties of a powder are dependent on the “history” of the powder (e...
256 〈616〉 Bulk Density and Tapped Density of Powders / Physical Tests USP 35 (1 g/mL = 1000 kg/m 3 ) because the measurements are made using cylinders. It may also be expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm 3 ). The bulking properties of a powder are dependent upon the...
<616> BULK DENSITY AND TAPPED DENSITY OF POWDERS 本章已与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的相应文本协调一致。 ♦未统一的部分用符号(♦)标记以表明这一事实。 粉末的堆积密度是未开发粉末样品的质量与其体积(包括颗粒间空隙体积的贡献)之比。因此,堆积密度取决于粉末颗粒的密度和粉末床中颗粒的空间布置。堆积密度以克...
Bulk density and tapped density of powders — pronounced preferred orientation effects ; — the phase has not been filed in the database used ; — formation of solid solutions ; — presence of disordered structures that alter the unit cell ; — the specimen comprises too many phases ; — ...