5.For Tapo C310, the resolution of the stream1 is determined by the video quality set on the Tapo APP. If you need to watch the 3MP HD Video via RTSP, please change the video quality to Best Quality on the Tapo APP and use: rtsp://IP Address/stream1 6. If the Camera is inserte...
For some models, like the C310, the resolution of Stream 1 (rtsp://IP Address/stream1) is determined by the video quality setting in the Tapo app. If you find that the resolution of Stream 1 is lower than the camera's maximum supported resolution, try changing the video quality setting ...
For some models, like the C310, the resolution of Stream 1 (rtsp://IP Address/stream1) is determined by the video quality setting in the Tapo app. If you find that the resolution of Stream 1 is lower than the camera's maximum supported resolution, try changing the video quality setting ...
Tapo C310产品安装容易,插上电源后即可自动开机,随插随用,可通过专属TP-Link Tapo App设置摄影机的连接与配对,完成步骤后即能展开监控操作,且Tapo App最多可支持32台机器、一页4个屏幕同时监看。C310支持最大128GB容量的microSD卡本地存储,存储的视频高达3MP HD高画质,比一般业界产品的1080P更多出100万像...
C310 保修期 1个月 颜色分类 小圆形免打孔胶片,圆形无痕钉,磁吸底座,金属伸缩支架,绑式纤瘦款,绑式加粗款,夹式短款,夹式加长款,卡式短款小号,卡式短款大号,卡式长款小号,卡式长款大号,卡式超长款小号,卡式超长款大号,桌面式mini款,桌面式标准款,落地式三脚款,落地式圆盘款,上墙螺丝包 图文详情 0 本店...
C310 保修期 1个月 颜色分类 小圆形免打孔胶片,圆形无痕钉,磁吸底座,金属伸缩支架,绑式纤瘦款,绑式加粗款,夹式短款,夹式加长款,卡式短款小号,卡式短款大号,卡式长款小号,卡式长款大号,卡式超长款小号,卡式超长款大号,桌面式mini款,桌面式标准款,落地式三脚款,落地式圆盘款,上墙螺丝包 图文详情 0 本店...
For some models, like the C310, the resolution of Stream 1 (rtsp://IP Address/stream1) is determined by the video quality setting in the Tapo app. If you find that the resolution of Stream 1 is lower than the camera's maximum supported resolution, try changing the video quality setting...
5.For Tapo C310, the resolution of the stream1 is determined by the video quality set on the Tapo APP. If you need to watch the 3MP HD Video via RTSP, please change the video quality to Best Quality on the Tapo APP and use: rtsp://IP Address/stream1 ...
For some models, like the C310, the resolution of Stream 1 (rtsp://IP Address/stream1) is determined by the video quality setting in the Tapo app. If you find that the resolution of Stream 1 is lower than the camera's maximum supported resolution, try changing the video quality setting...
For some models, like the C310, the resolution of Stream 1 (rtsp://IP Address/stream1) is determined by the video quality setting in the Tapo app. If you find that the resolution of Stream 1 is lower than the camera's maximum supported resolution, try changing the video quality setting...