2. When adding the camera to an NVR or other third-party device, you will need the camera’s IP address. The IP address is usually assigned by your host router. You can find it on your host router’s DHCP list or in the Tapo app (go to the Device Settings page of the camera and...
C210 保修期 1个月 颜色分类 磁吸底座,磁吸式云台款 图文详情 0 本店推荐 适配乐橙TA4D监控摄像头底座支架子壁挂吊磁顶安装固定免打孔落地 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#GRkZGRRDtU9PVhhXv0qxTyNJCk8EQntCOXmNSnhH9ldKRKBLmUTveflEQ01mRT1JekOmQ7BIMVbwVlg=] 适配海尔双目摄像头HCC-26B341-U1吊装支架底座挂免打孔...
C210 保修期 0个月 颜色分类 金属螺纹底座,椭圆形带胶底座,圆形带胶底座,磁吸底座,磁吸式云台款,壁挂式支架,绑式纤瘦款,免打孔基础款,免打孔万向款D65,免打孔万向款,无痕钉基础款,无痕钉万向款,夹式短款,夹式加长款,卡式短款小号,卡式短款大号,卡式长款小号,卡式长款大号,卡式超长款小号,卡式超长款大...
2. When adding the camera to an NVR or other third-party device, you will need the camera’s IP address. The IP address is usually assigned by your host router. You can find it on your host router’s DHCP list or in the Tapo app (go to the Device Settings page of the camera and...
适配Tapo摄像头C210底座卡扣C200监控支架顶壁挂TC70上墙安装固定 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#UFBQUF0Izg0KDsECYgYeDfoCJjCLDqcK1Qn8AmIHAh42CLANrAmcD2sKLw+LBSs=] 适配海尔双目摄像头HCC-26B341-U1吊装支架底座挂免打孔3m上墙贴 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Nzc3NzpqaWQBZEdr+GIpawdlLWhzZ11mYw==] 适配萤石智能家居摄像...
You will see a prompt like below (About Camera Account), please read it and tapUnderstand and Agree to Use, then you can create an account for the camera. Note: The username and password should contain 6 to 32 characters. Step 2: Add your Tapo camera on PC/NAS/NVR ...
You will see a prompt like below (About Camera Account), please read it and tapUnderstand and Agree to Use, then you can create an account for the camera. Note: The username and password should contain 6 to 32 characters. Step 2: Add your Tapo camera on PC/NAS/NVR ...