MEASURING TAPE, AND TAPE MEASURE EQUIPPED WITH THE SAMEPURPOSE: To meet the need felt for a measuring tape that is hardly susceptible to twist and excels in linear state keeping performance, and a tape measure equipped with such a measuring tape.NOGAKI TOSHIJI...
求翻译:tape measure tape Measuring tape是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 tape measure tape Measuring tape问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 卷尺带卷尺 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 卷尺卷尺磁带 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 正在翻译,请等待... 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38...
Measuring Tape Clip 测量夹卷尺卷边夹 量尺固定夹 测量工具 河南郸城名罗贸易商行(个体工商户)1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 河南 郸城县 ¥24.00 跨境新品Tape measure storage bag卷尺收纳包多功能工具腰包便携 义乌市顺逛电子商务商行(个体工商户)1年
Measuring Tape Clip不锈钢卷尺夹卷边固定器木工划线卷尺定位夹 义乌市亨力五金工具有限公司8年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 浙江 金华市 ¥2.00 橙色方形钥匙扣塑料1米不锈钢卷尺 3000只起订礼品尺tape measure 东莞市伊思科电子科技有限公司14年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Using a conventional tape measure, one person is frequently unable to measure exactly enough because there is always the need for a second person to hold the start of the measuring tape. In order to remedy this, it is provided that the tape measure has at the start of the measuring tape ...
The Tape Measure Арр・Measuring你可能也喜歡 AR標尺:捲尺。使用 相機進行測量 生產力 My Measures + AR Measure 生產力 Photo Measure: Image Meter 生產力 全能扫描王-手机扫描仪&动植物识别&蘑菇秒识别&食物热量分析 风云扫描王-文件转PDF、证件扫描、文档管理和OCR文字识别 ...
The tape measure has a measuring tape (2) that carries a plain scale (6) and is provided in a housing (1) with a window for winding/ unwinding the tape. A wall of the housing opposite to the window is provided with a flat region that is perpendicular to a direction of unwinding of...
使用尺子 & 测量工具: 测距仪 - 尺子 & 测量工具测量一切! 利用你设备的相机、增强现实AR和高级AI的力量来创建可放到口袋里的究极Measuring Tape。 我们强大的工具集可帮你测量一切;不仅能测量简单的长度、高度和面积,甚至还能创建完整的平面图。理想适用对象:承包商、房产经纪人、DIY人士、房东、测量员、开发人员...
测距测量仪(Measuring Meter –Tape Measure & Ruler)是一款可以帮助用户快速准确测量距离的工具,适用于各种测量场景,如建筑施工、房屋装修等。该软件具有多种不同的功能,可以帮助用户轻松完成各种测量任务。 软件特色 1、支持多种不同的测量方式,包括单点测量、多点测量、面积测量等。
The tape has a case (2) containing a tape measure (3) with concave and convex sides (5, 6). A stop plate (7), movable along the measure, is placed at a free end or head (3A) of the measure. The measure is graduated on both sides, with the same graduation, with coinciding ...