比划卷尺app是一款非常精准好用的测量尺软件,软件操作简便、无量程上限,可以帮助用户随时测量想要测的物体尺寸,再也不用随身带尺子了,有需要的用户快来下载吧。 软件官方介绍: 生活中我们经常会需要用到尺子,但是很少有人会随身携带尺子,急用的时候只能满世界寻找还未必能找的到。 比划卷尺让你把尺子装进口袋,随时...
The best tape measure is the one you have with you. Over 15 different tools means you’ll always be prepared. Watch AirMeasure in Action Powerful Measuring Modes Get the right measurement everytime by choosing the right tool for the job. • Point and shoot Aim the camera toward an object...
The best tape measure is the one you have with you. Over 15 different tools means you’ll always be prepared. Watch AirMeasure in Action Powerful Measuring Modes Get the right measurement everytime by choosing the right tool for the job. • Point and shoot Aim the camera toward an object...
I can’t get this app to trigger my measure points at eye level. I can’t get it to recalibrate my area (no button to select this or menu). It was having difficulty measuring anything horizontal unless it was on the ground or in the sky. ...
測距儀 & 測量儀 - Tape Measure 4+ 量尺、測量距離、Room Planner Tools Rocket Apps GmbH 專為iPad 設計 4.8 • 30 個評分 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 使用測距儀 & 測量儀 - 測距儀 & 測量儀測量一切! 利用你裝置的相機、擴增實境AR和高級AI的力量來建立可放到口袋裡的究極...
* In a pinch without your tape measure? Tapeulator comes with a measuring feature that will help you get a measurement in a bind * Great for wood work, metal work calculations! Pipe cutters love our App! Tapeulator is perfect for do it yourselfers and the pros. Don't just take our...
We've endeavored to keep this app as simple as possible, and not add a bunch of features you won't use. We know what you want: an app that measures things. So that's what we built! Drop a point, measure the distance to another point. It's that easy. ...
1. Measure: iPhone's Built-in AR Ruler By using AR technology, Apple has added a built-in functionality of measuring real-world space and objects in iOS 12. The Measure app in iOS 12 is a convenient way to measure things when you don't have a tape measure or the objects you want ...
tape measureA.磁带盘B.卷尺C.胶带D.测量仪的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产力工具
Apple is turning your iPhone into a powerful, virtual tape measure with a cool new appPrachi Bhardwaj