The invention discloses a new type of tape and reel tape based on the cover tape having projections extending from the bottom surface of the cover tape leaving a minimum of adhesive surface exposed to the surface mount die or packages contained in the pocket areas of the carrier tape.R·许...
TAPE AND REEL COVER TAPE TO IMPROVE DIE STICKING ISSUESA new type of tape and reel tape based on the cover tape having projections extending from the bottom surface of the cover tape leaving a minimum of adhesive surface exposed to the surface mount die or packages contained in the pocket ...
A new type of tape and reel tape based on the cover tape having projections extending from the bottom surface of the cover tape leaving a minimum of adhesive surface exposed to the surface mount die or packages contained in the pocket areas of the carrier tape. 法律状态 截止目前暂无法律状态...
仁儀企業提供SMD上帶,Cover Tape,Tape & Reel,可適用PS/PC/PET不同之下帶材質,品質卓越,歡迎來電 : (02)2886-6828
Packing units by Tape and Reel also facilitates automated retrieval and mounting of the components on the application board during customer manufacturing.Taping and reeling of SMD's is the counterpart of packing non-SMD's in tubes. Fig. 1.Photos of Carrier Tapes ...
(redirected fromCover tape) covermount (ˈkʌvəˌmaʊnt)marketing n (Marketing) an item attached to the front of a magazine as a gift vb (Marketing) (tr) to attach (an item) to the front of a magazine as a gift Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edi...
(7) 500 R1 Motorola Master Selection Guide 5.12–3 Tape and Reel Specifications EMBOSSED TAPE AND REEL DATA FOR DISCRETES CARRIER TAPE SPECIFICATIONS 10 Pitches Cumulative Tolerance on Tape K P0 ± 0.2 mm t D P2 (± 0.008″) E Top Cover Tape A0 F W B1 K0 B0 See P Note 1 Embossment...
内容提示: January 2004 1Tape and Reel PackagingAs a valued-added service, Actel offers tape-and-reel capabilities for several types of packages. With these options, customers can use tape and reel when operating pick-and-place equipment for volume production. Tape and reel offered by Actel is...
Tape & Reel Embossed Carrier Tape 1.embossed 超过600套Carrier Tape模具, 满足客户各种Package types and Package sizes. 2.依据EIA规范设计, 专业的产品设计, 提供客户IC更佳之承载与保护. 3.整合模具制造与生产, 提供客户更迅速的样品交期与服务 4.严格的原料与生产管理, 提供客户更佳的产品品质...
Inthetapeandreelformat,thecomponentsareplacedinspecifically designedpocketsembossedinaplasticcarriertape.Thecovertapeis sealedtothecarriertapetokeepthepartsinplaceinthesepockets.A rowofsprocketholesisprovidedalongoneedgeoftheembossedtapeto facilitatepositiveindexing.Thetapeisthenwoundontoarigidplasticreel ...