是正当的;D.urge敦促句意:然而,自然资源保护委员会也发出了警告根据前文"Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses and those with weakened immune systems can be vulnerable (脆弱的) to the risks posed by polluted water"(孕妇、儿童、老年人、慢性病患者和免疫系统较弱...
"Based on updated hydraulic modeling and the latest sampling, we are confident tap water from the Baxter plant will remain safe to drink through 11:59 p.m. Monday, March 27," thewater department wrote in a tweet. The water department says the updated time is based on when the Baxter Dr...
It looks like your best bet in the USA is to steer clear of tap water, despite the CDC’s claims the nation as a whole provides tap water that’s safe to drink. It makes sense to be careful. If you’re travelling to the USA you canread more about this fascinating and disturbing sub...
Tap water: safe to drinkMissouri River pollution holds little threat to public drinkingAndrew Gaug
5, 2023, thoughtco.com/how-safe-is-tap-water-1204039. Talk, Earth. (2023, April 5). Is Tap Water Safe to Drink? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/how-safe-is-tap-water-1204039 Talk, Earth. "Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?" ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/how-safe-is-...
由第五段最后两句 “But if you live in Britain, you can be confident that tap water has been filtered(过滤) and tested, and is perfectly safe to drink. In fact, Britain's tap water is one of the safest in the world.” 可知英国的自来水很安全,是世界上最安全的自来水之一,由 confident ...
Is the latter really of a higher quality than the former, as its advertising campaigns would have you believe?Is it even safe to drink bottled water?We’ll examine all these questions and more, including the difference between tap water and bottled water in the UK, i...
According to WAF, sometimes because of heavy rains in the catchment, people can experience slight discoloration, however the water, having been through one of their treatment facilities, is safe to drink. They said that only when test results confirm that discolored water is not safe to drink,...
not to drink tap water (自来水) because the water was in serious pollution. Kyle spent about $60 buying the tools needed to detect the tap water. He thought the price was very 5. Then he used their family's garage as his 6, doing research on the pollution in drinking water. Kyle hop...
Chappell also noted the forbearance of the SFN in the process of achieving a safe water supply, which has been a matter of concern for the nation since 1995. “Most of all, we want to thank our nation’s members for their patience, and we are pleased with the new...