010-59797112 产品中心 产品名称:InterPlay TAP Purification Buffer Kit 产品价格:¥1,316.55 产品介绍 产品内容 订购说明 目录所有产品主要以现货销售方式。同时,可根据需要订期货,可来人、电话、传真、E-MAIL进行订货,同时在公司网站(http://www.51jinda.com) 上可查询您所需要的产品信息。您可以免费索取我公司...
糖链蛋白tap检测 在生物医学研究中,生物标志物(Biomarker)的检测与分析是非常重要的一环。其中,糖链蛋白是一种重要的生物标志物,且在许多生物过程中起着关键作用,包括疾病发生、进展和治疗反应等。糖链蛋白TAP检测(TAP,Tandem Affinity Purification)则是一种高效的糖链蛋白检测方法。一、什么是糖链蛋白?首先,...
串联亲和纯化技术(TAP, Tandem Affinity Purification)是用于从蛋白溶液中分离纯化含有TAP标签的纯化方法。经典的TAP Tag是由钙调蛋白结合肽CBP,烟草蚀纹病毒蛋白酶TEV酶切位点,和Protein A构成。TAP方法后续被开发到酵母系统中,成为了一种能够快速研究生理...
串联亲和纯化(tandem affinity purification,TAP)是一种能快速研究体内蛋白相互作用的技术,经过两步特异性亲和纯化,可快速得到生理条件下与靶蛋白质存在真实相互作用的蛋白质。TAP方法最初用于酵母中,因其具有通用性、高效性、高纯度及假阳性低等特点得到了快速发展,至今已成功运用于许多其他生物(哺乳动物、植物等)相互...
串联亲和纯化技术(TAP, Tandem Affinity Purification)是用于从蛋白溶液中分离纯化含有TAP标签的纯化方法。经典的TAP Tag是由钙调蛋白结合肽CBP,烟草蚀纹病毒蛋白酶TEV酶切位点,和Protein A构成。TAP方法后续被开发到酵母系统中,成为了一种能够快速研究生理条件下蛋白质相互作用、揭示蛋白质复合体相互作用网络的新技术,...
3. tap:tandem affinty purification; 串联亲和纯化 4. tap:transporter associated with antigen processing; 抗原加工转运体 5. tap:test of academic proficiency; 学业精熟测验 6. tap:transporter in antigen processing; 编码转肽蛋白 tap 双语例句
The tandem affinity purification (TAP) method: a general procedure of protein complex purificationThe lipid treatment assessment project (L-TAP): a multicenter survey to evaluate the percentages of dyslipidemic patients receiving ...Correction to: "the Gaussian multiple access wire-tap channel"and "...
Finally, pH is important in chemistry, agriculture, medicine, oceanography, engineering, biology, and water purification. Why Do We Test our Water for Ph? Again, pH is a numerical value to determine whether water is acidic. The water quality regulations specify that tap water should have a...
Discover premium water filters and purification systems by Puratap. Explore under sink, and countertop solutions designed for clean, healthy water.
Tandem affinity purification (TAP) tagging is a method to purify multimeric protein complexes that can be used under essentially physiological conditions. This technique allows subsequent protein identification by mass spectrometry or functional analysis of the proteins post-purification. The TAP method has...