Note: For example, in the eastern United States, the time zone is America/New_York.Procedure 17. Configure login banner for the NetApp ONTAP ClusterStep 1. To create login banner for the NetApp ONTAP cluster, run the following command: ...
TAP is one of the grants, scholarships and awards programs administered by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC). ... New York State students attending college in New York State – including high school seniors who plan to attend college the following fall – should ...
Alexis Simon, 17, is applying for 20 to 30 scholarships. "I don't know what the money is going to look like, but I'm definitely never, ever going to give up," said Simon, who attends a performing arts high school in New York. While that may seem like an overwhelming task coupled ...
An important anti-cancer application for MTDIA, beyond that implied by the APCMin/+model, is the pharmacological induction of the MTAP−/−physiological state in cancers that are genetically MTAP+/+. Approximately 15% of human cancers are genetically deleted in theMTAPlocus, with deletions i...
During the same period in which the lawsuit has proceeded, the defendants have been involved in lobbying the New York State Senate and the governor's office to obtain various tax credits and other sources of public funding to construct a highly publicized mega-mall in Syracuse, New York called...