Amadeus GDS WV CNXAMO Galileo/Apollo GDS WV 26221 Sabre GDS WV 184841 Worldspan GDS WV CNXAT Overview 4 Moderate First Class Commission: 10% Rooms: 204 Rates: $64 - $159 Amora Hotel Tapae Amenities Amenities are in all rooms unless noted otherwise Air Conditioning Coffeemaker Daily Ma...
Before the migration to Altéa, TAP was using a system derived from Delta Air Lines called Tapmatic, in use since 1972.[citation needed] 【参考译文】2008年决定外包其旅客服务系统后,TAP将其预订和库存系统迁移至由Amadeus管理的Altéa系统。在迁移至Altéa之前,TAP使用的是一套源自达美航空的系统,称为...