Tao Te Ching, Chapter 1 Lauzi 我就是看不见西方哲学皇帝的新衣的那个小孩。【第一章】道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名天地之始,有名万物之母。故常无欲,以观其妙;常有欲,以观其徼(jiào)。此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门。 A way that can be said is not the normal way;...
道德经英文详解,Taoteching explanation, chapter one Tao Te Ching First chapter The Tao that could be told or explained is not the eternal TAO The Name that could be named is not the eternal Name What does that mean? Tao could not be told. It’s at such a high spiritual level that it...
道德经-现代翻译 Tao Te Ching Interpretation (1/9) 此文每一章分为三段:老子《道德经》原文、James Trapp的英文翻译版本、以及由我再结合中英和个人理解,翻译出来的现代中文注释版本。发表纯为和几个朋友研习道德经交流使用,让大家可以更加简单的从自己的理解来读修道德经。 1. The mystery of the Dao 道的...
【译】Tao Te Ching (chapter 1) Tao Te Ching (chapter 1) Lao Tzu The Tao can be told, not the invariable Tao, The Name can be named, not the invariable name. Unnamable is the noumenon of the heaven and earth, Naming is the matrix of all specific things. thus:"Free from the desire...
te Chinghas received a wide variety of interpretations because of its elusiveness and mystical overtones, and it has been a basic concept in bothphilosophyand religion. In essence, it consists of “nonaction” (wuwei), understood as no unnatural action rather than complete passivity. It implies ...
The Taoistic philosophy of its ancient originator Lao Tzu, with the complete Tao Te Ching, the main text of Taoism, translated and explained.
1. The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. 2. (Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived ...
My version of the whole book Tao Te Ching translated and explained, chapter by chapter. Click the header to see it.James Legge's Tao Te Ching The 19th century Scottish sinologist James Legge made a translation of the Tao Te Ching in 1891, which is still highly appreciated. Here it is in...
The first chapter of the Tao Te Ching, a classic of Daoism, was authored by Laozi, the founder of Daoist philosophy. This chapter sets the tone for the entire text, guiding us into an exploration of the essence of the Dao and life itself.The chapter opens with the famous lines: "The ...
Tao Te Ching (chapter 1) Lao Tzu The Tao can be told, not the invariable Tao, The Name can be named, not the invariable name. Unnamable is the noumenon of the heaven and earth, Naming is the matrix of all specific things. thus:"Free from the desire, He'll observe the inherent subt...