Email/Google Scholar/Zhi Hu/DBLP News 12/2024, 1 paper have been accepted byAAAI 2025. 9/2024, 1 paper have been accepted byEMNLP 2024. Work Experience July 2023-Current, Senior Algorithm Engineer at Alibaba Group March 2021-July 2023, Research Intern at Alibaba Group ...
CV/Google Scholar/GitHub/Twitter/Email I am a first-year PhD student at UC San Diego advised by professorHao Su. I'm grateful to have my research be funded by theNSF Graduate Research Fellowship. My current research interests revolve around a general goal of building efficient, adaptable, and...
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文档介绍:如何使用Google Scholar查找外文文献的技巧和方法Google Scholar是Google于2004年底推出的专门面向学术资源的免费搜索工具,能够帮助用户查找包括期刊论文、学位论文、书籍、预印本、文摘和技术报告在内的学术文献,内容涵盖自然科学、人文科学、社会科学等多种学科。Google Scholar的资料来源主要有以下几方面的资料...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Seenithurai, S.; Chai, J.-D. Effect of Li adsorption on the electronic and hydrogen storage properties of acenes: A dispersion-corrected TAO-DFT study. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 33081. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Wu, C.-S.; Lee, P.-Y.; Chai, J.-D. ...
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Stone Tao, Fanbo Xiang, Arth Shukla, Yuzhe Qin, Xander Hinrichsen, Xiaodi Yuan, Chen Bao, Xinsong Lin, Yulin Liu, Tse-kai Chan, Yuan Gao, Xuanlin Li, Tongzhou Mu, Nan Xiao, Arnav Gurha, Zhiao Huang, Roberto Calandra, Rui Chen, Shan Luo, Hao Su arXiv 2024 arXiv / project page /...
It has been challenging to adequately investigate the properties of nanosystems with radical nature using conventional electronic structure methods. We address this challenge by calculating the electronic properties of linear carbon chains (l-CC[n]) and
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