"The Recovery and Conservation of a Historic District Post-earthquakeA Case Study of Zhaohua in Sichuan Province in China", Journal of Asian Architecture & Building Engineering, Vol.2012, 11(2), pp.269-274.Liu, H.T. (2012). The recovery and conservation of a historic district post-...
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林兆华:那我不知道,你得问濮存昕去。他现在演的《建筑大师》的心理状态比原来最早演的肯定丰富多了。 凤凰网文化:《建筑大师》里面是不是有自比的成分呢?那么高高的梯子,慢慢往上爬,会不会有一种高处不胜寒的感觉? 林兆华:爱怎么想怎么想吧。那是他们的一种感觉、一种解释,观众爱怎么解释就怎么解释,但是不...
Lessons from Damaged Historic Buildings in the Sichuan Earthquake: A Case Study in Zhaohua, Sichuan ProvinceWith the increasing importance of urban disaster prevention, the earthquake disaster prediction has gained more and more attention. Based on the investigation data of one multi-story masonry ...