CaSa can act as a carbon pool, helping to offset carbon emissions and maintain carbon in the soil for a longer period of time. Biochar can improve soil health for cultivation, as evidenced by the increase in SOM and soil moisture content. In contrast, the control Andosol (CoA) had ...
The Act specifically targets non-resident individuals or entities that own platforms or facilitate the exchange or transfer of digital assets. This means the law will require crypto exchange sites and brokers to register in Tanzania’s tax system and withhold a tax rate of 3% when making payments...
Mountainous environments are particularly vulnerable to land degradation due to steep slopes, fragile soils, increasing population, severe shortages of pas
This balancing act limits the scope of how determinative global climate mitigation objectives should be when considering interventions in national energy systems. Complicating the issue is the relative importance of informal over formal institutions in LDCs, i.e. influence of culture, religious beliefs,...
The Tanzanian Grazing-Land and Animal Feed Resources Act89seeks to catalyse the development of Tanzania’s commercial feed processing industry. The simulations therefore focussed on yield gains in maize and sunflower for concentrate production, which are the two most common sources of concentrate feeds...
plant’s structural cells. It is neither recommended for human and animal consumption due to associated health risks (Srinivas et al.2017). While it is ostensibly clear that a multitude of factors control groundwater chemistry, it has always been difficult to single out which among physical ...
Study of soil to plant transfer factors of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in Vietnamese crops. J. Environ. Radioact. 2020, 223–224, 106416. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] UNSCEAR. Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic ...
The Environmental Management Act of 2004 and related policies ensure environmental assessments for new investments, potentially mitigating short-term emission increases. Furthermore, slow adoption of advanced technologies and bureaucratic inefficiencies in project approvals can further delay the realization of ...
Based on the National Water Policy of 2002, the National Environmental Management Act, and the Water Resource Management Act of 2009, water resource management in Tanzania is structured around the boundaries of the river basins. These policies recognize various stakeholders, including the Water User ...
A study was conducted to test the potential of calabash, sweet potato, pumpkin, simsim and finger millet to phytoaccumulate dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites from NHC Morogoro- and PPO Tengeru-contaminated sites. Parallel field an