Open Source Of Knowledge Based on Tanzania Teaching and Learning Syllabus | Teaching Notes Form 1 to Form 6 | Past Papers for Examinations in Tanzania
main headings, (1) changing view of language and language syllabus design; (2) the role of socio‐linguistic environments in second language learning; (3) the role of objectives in second language teaching; and (4) the emerging trend of documenting second language teachers’ classroom practices....
An Assessment of Preliminary Issues on the Implementation of Kiswahili Oral Literature Syllabus for Secondary Schools in Marakwet District, Kenya Following the curriculum review of 2002, Kiswahili oral literature has been given prominence by the Kenya Institute of Education (KIE). It was examined for ...
• Syllabus content need to be re-assessed and reduced to allow for more effective teaching, learning and assessment of individual competencies • More focus on formative assessment than on summative assessment • Quality training on formative assessment for teacher trainers, teachers, personnel fro...