The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you believe... Read more » Average in salary in Tanzania |Viwango Vya Mishahara Tanzania Viwango Vya Mishahara Serikalini | Government Salary Scale In Tanzan...
It was established under the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003 to regulate the electronic communications, and postal services, and management of the national fre- quency spectrum in the United Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority ICT Scholarship Purpose: The scholarship offers ...
It was established under the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003 to regulate the electronic communications, and postal services, and management of the national fre- quency spectrum in the United Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority ICT Scholarship Purpose: The scholarship offers ...
One need not be wearing a tinfoil hat to see the many ways in which African leaders continue to act like colonial “Native Administrators”. Some do not even pretend to care about aspiring to govern well-ordered societies. For almost six decades the global state system has accommodated elite...
The Act specifically targets non-resident individuals or entities that own platforms or facilitate the exchange or transfer of digital assets. This means the law will require crypto exchange sites and brokers to register in Tanzania’s tax system and withhold a tax rate of 3% when making payments...
Regulations are being finalized and the revision of the Wildlife Act of 1974 to accommodate this new policy is well underway. Under this CBC-programme villages carry out wildlife inventories, prepare management plans and finally declare part of their land as a WMA where sustainable wildlife use ...
However, the Newspaper Act of 1976 allows authorities within the government—including the president—the power to prohibit publications that might be deemed to not be in the nation's best interest. Additionally, the 1993 Broadcasting Services Act provides that private broadcasters are only allowed ...
PPFThe Parastatal Pensions Fund established by Government Act for providing pensions and other related benefits to all employees Parliament of TanzaniaAdministration, Structure, Composition, President, National Assembly PricewaterhouseCoopers TanzaniaAudit and Assurance, Crisis Management, Human Resources, Perfo...
It was established under the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003 to regulate the electronic communications, and postal services, and management of the national fre- quency spectrum in the United Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority ICT Scholarship Purpose: The scholarship offers ...
The villages are further divided into hamlets consisting of a number of households (Local Government (District Authorities) Act no.7, 30—(1982), at which policies and farming extension activities are organized (Raymond 2015). In those wards, the farms practising smallholder indigenous AGFs were ...