The 2022 Population and Housing Census: Age and Sex Distribution Report, Key Findings, Tanzania. 2022. National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) [Tanzania]. Tanzania Integrated Labour Force Survey 2020/21. Dodoma: NBS; 2022. Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS), Zanzibar AIDS Commission (ZAC). ...
1). Health centres, district hospitals and tertiary hospitals with HMIS departments do not send paper report forms to the district offices; instead, the data is entered directly into DHIS2 within the health facilities. Some dispensaries submit their monthly reports to the district for entry into ...
This first involved a selection of sampling points consisting of enumeration areas (EAs) using the 2012 Tanzania population and housing census [33]. The EAs were selected with a probability proportional to their size within each stratum. A total of 629 clusters were selected, among which 211 ...
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in the 2012 census 16,477 (1 in 2673) people reported albinism, which is recognized as a disability in Tanzania (The United Republic of Tanzania 2014, 2016). Under the Same Sun (n.d.), an albinism advocacy and education organization, ...
2012. Large Scale Farms: Volume IV of Reports from the National Sample Census of Agriculture 2007/08. The Tanzanian National Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician, Zanzibar, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Ministry...
Dar es Salaam is the largest city located in the Eastern zone of Tanzania, with an estimated population of 4.4 million inhabitants by the 2012 census [22] and an annual growth rate of 5.6% [23]. Dar es Salaam is the major contributor to TB incidence, with 18% of the new TB ...
The total size of the population taken into consideration was 2.9 million men, derived from the following Census 2012 estimates: 1. Men in mainland Tanzania: 21,239,313 2. Percentage of the population living in urban areas: 29.1% 3. Percentage of persons in the 15 to 49 age group: 47.2...
We report problems of drug shortage and challenges in drugs procurement in two rural districts in Tanzania. Mobile phones were widely used and the interest for ICT tools was great. Access to current medical information and CME was poor. Health workers shown a mobile application for drug ordering...
census of 2012 (Moshi District Council2016; Table2). In the South Pare Mountains population density increased from 23 persons/km2in the nineteenth century (Omari1990; Netting's1993; Hakansson, 1995) to over 205 persons/km2in 2012 (NBS2012). The West Usambara Mountains had a population of ...
The sampling frame used the National Master Sample Frame (2002 Population and Housing Census) which is a list of all populated enumeration areas in the country. 'In the first stage stratification was done along two dimensions; (i) eight adminis- trative zones (seven on Mainland Tanzania plus ...