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Rahima C.Theory and Research in Social EducationWade, R. (1993). A challenge to the Social Studies: A response to Leming's 'Ideological Perspectives within the Social Studies Profession.' Reaction. Theory and Research in Social Education, 21(2), 156-160....
Response to Leming Back to the Melting Pot? A Response to LemingBack to the Melting Pot? A Response to LemingArticle / Letter to editorPMCID: PMC1648276doi:10.1080/00933104.1992.10505684ParkerWalter C.Theory and Research in Social Education
Theory & Research in Social EducationWade, R. (1993). A challenge to the Social Studies: A response to Leming's 'Ideological Perspectives within the Social Studies Profession.' Reaction. Theory and Research in Social Education, 21(2), 156-160....
Authenticity in Art: The Scientific Detection or Forgery. By S tuart J. F lemingdoi:10.1080/00665983.1976.11020473E. SlaterArchaeological JournalFleming, S. J. (1976). Authenticity in Art: The Scientific Detection of Forgery, Crane, Russak and Company, New York....
Fourteen catchment areas of wells with acid groundwater were limed with rather high dosages of calcium carbonate, ranging from 1.65.0 kg m2. Three to four years after liming the drinking water of three wells gives a clear indication of the treatment. In two recharge areas the soil chemistry...