Size:1-2 inches (2-5 cm) Guppies are popular for their vibrant colors and peaceful temperament. They’re great cichlid tank mates since they stay relatively small and don’t need a large tank to thrive in. Because of their small size, however, most cichlids can easily mistake them for ...
Cichlids have a reputation for aggression, but this peaceful fish species will get along perfectly with other peaceful schooling fish. It is considered one of the best community fish you can purchase in this size range. 4. Dwarf Gourami Scientific Name:Trichogaster lalius Size: 2.5 – 3 inches ...
Minimum tank size: 10 gallons Care Level: Easy Swimming Level: All levels Adult Size: 1.75 inches Water Temperature: 64 – 82°F pH: 5.5 – 8 Diet: Omnivore Guppiesare ideal tankmates for your molly fish. Guppy fish are basically, the smaller, more colorful cousin of the molly fish. Th...
Rosy Barbs require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons for a group of five or six. The more Rosy Barbs you keep together or the larger their tank mates are, the bigger their tank needs to be. A spacious tank is always preferred over a smaller one. Water Quality, pH, & Temperature Rosy...
The crystal red shrimp’s small size makes it vulnerable to predation, so you should house the shrimp with small, peaceful fish species that won’t try to eat the shrimp. Neon tetras, zebra danios, cherry barbs, and guppies are all good tank mates for crystal red shrimp. Ideal water con...
Guppies– theirlife span,tank sizeneeds,air needs,filter needs, idealconditions,diet,interaction with other fish The guide also helps you identify and fix common fish keeping questions such asfish sinking to the bottom,fish drowning,bubbles in a tank, andfish living in bags. Other key topics ...
Size:1.5-2 inches Diet:Carnivore This bettas title comes from its spade-shaped caudal tail. Its tip has a broad bottom that gradually gets smaller. Although it seems to have a similar appearance to a round-tailed betta, the caudal spine is pointed rather than spherical. These come in a ...
Max. Size:2 to 4 inches Temperament:Semi-aggressive Water Conditions:Freshwater, tropical Lifespan:6 to 7 years Guppy macro of pregnant female Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), bit harsh reflections on the belly Guppiesare calm, easygoingcommunal fishthat get along with various other non-aggressive fish...
Guppies are known, in particular, for jumping out of the tank. But why do they exhibit this behavior? Smart tank technology is the future of the aquarium hobby Modern advances in technology affect every industry - even the aquarium hobby. Read on to learn about the top tech for aquariums ...