We help Independent Software Vendors, Value-Added Resellers, and Systems Integrators cut back on costs and deliver seamless omnichannel customer experiences.
STARTING PRICE Not provided by software provider Free Trial Available What is Tanium Endpoint Platform? Tanium is an endpoint management and cybersecurity platform that provides organizations visibility and control over endpoints across IT environments. The cloud-based platform uses AI to continuously disco...
Tanium ranks 7th on the Forbes list of “Top 100 Private Companies in Cloud Computing” for 2019 and 10th on FORTUNE’s list of the “100 Best Medium Workplaces.” For more information, please visitwww.tanium.com. Product Overview
Tanium delivers the industry’s only true real-time cloud-based endpoint management & security offering. Its converged endpoint management (XEM) platform is real-time, seamless, and autonomous, allowing security-conscious organizations to break down silos and reduce complexity, cost,...
Tanium已連續七年入選《富比士》雲端運算100大企業(Forbes Cloud 100),並名列《財星》雜誌的「科技業最佳大型工作場所」排行榜。事實上,半數以上的《財星》100大企業和美國軍隊都信任Tanium,利用Tanium來保護人員;保衛資料;保護系統;以及查看和控制分佈在不同地方的每一個端點、團隊和工作流程。這就是確定性的力量。
Streetman為Tanium帶來豐富而廣泛的經驗。加入Tanium前,他擔任Allvue Systems的執行長;在此之前,他曾任TIBCO Software Inc.的執行長。在早期職業生涯中,Streetman曾負責監督BMC、Salesforce和C3.ai的重大資料驅動型轉型。 Streetman表示:「Tanium是一家忠於使命的公司,切實履行客戶需求至上的承諾。隨著數位轉型持續帶來複...
On-premise to cloud migrations Process documentation and re-engineering Business / System analysis Web site operations Contact Us Phone: 303-800-5500 Monday - Friday: 8am-7pm Saturday: 8am-5pm Sunday: 1pm-5pm Email Us: info@GaltaniumTech.com ...
software vendors and diverse malware sources. All files are processed using ReversingLabs Automated File Decomposition technology to provide multi-factor classification and context for each file. TitaniumCloud supports a robust set of REST API query and feed functions that deliver targeted file a...
to protect critical information and infrastructure at scale. Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for seven consecutive years and ranks on Fortune’s list of the Best Large Workplaces in Technology. In fact, more than half of the Fortune 100 and the U.S. armed forces trust ...
Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for seven consecutive years and ranks on Fortune’s list of the Best Large Workplaces in Technology. In fact, more than half of the Fortune 100 and the U.S. armed forces trust Tanium to protect people; defend data; secure systems; and...