看参数,LI应该非常好推,和学林1969电子管播放器搭配也印证了这点,低增益,49~52%音量即可,应该是今年我遇到的推力要求最小的耳塞了。 小号低频增强套,煲机50小时以上,不过LI煲机前后变化不大。一耳朵就能直觉遇到尖货了,人声表现正如绿坛方丈大佬的点评——厚声的人声塞,越听越喜欢,越听越惊喜。随着时间增加,我...
看参数,LI应该非常好推,和学林1969电子管播放器搭配也印证了这点,低增益,49~52%音量即可,应该是今年我遇到的推力要求最小的耳塞了。 小号低频增强套,煲机50小时以上,不过LI煲机前后变化不大。一耳朵就能直觉遇到尖货了,人声表现正如绿坛方丈大佬的点评——厚声的人声塞,越听越喜欢,越听越惊喜。随着时间增加,我...
看参数,LI应该非常好推,和学林1969电子管播放器搭配也印证了这点,低增益,49~52%音量即可,应该是今年我遇到的推力要求最小的耳塞了。 小号低频增强套,煲机50小时以上,不过LI煲机前后变化不大。一耳朵就能直觉遇到尖货了,人声表现正如绿坛方丈大佬的点评——厚声的人声塞,越听越喜欢,越听越惊喜。随着时间增加,我...
看参数,LI应该非常好推,和学林1969电子管播放器搭配也印证了这点,低增益,49~52%音量即可,应该是今年我遇到的推力要求最小的耳塞了。 小号低频增强套,煲机50小时以上,不过LI煲机前后变化不大。一耳朵就能直觉遇到尖货了,人声表现正如绿坛方丈大佬的点评——厚声的人声塞,越听越喜欢,越听越惊喜。随着时间增加,我...
唐族的李世民是,下期可能是EPZ K1,会着重和voza z100d对比,有点像,可能titan s得频频搬出来,教低端塞做塞了(大概),而可能下面一个,又会是武则天或是DX6,还有个sivga m009,不过最后这位大概不会是好评还有就是封面懒得想了,直接搞个简单的拍摄:小米10ultra录音:m
TANGZU SHIMIN LI is an easy-to-power pair. Users can use it straight out of their smartphones. It has a low impedance rating of just 18Ω with a high sensitivity of 109dB. It will work pretty well off your smartphones. The pair has a clean presentation with ultra-low <0.5% distorti...
200元价位醇厚人声塞评测推荐 唐族 李世民 TForce Audio TANGZU SHIMIN LI 1358 7 02:00 App 「云试听」陈奕迅-岁月如歌/唐族 武则天传奇有线入耳式hifi耳塞/EPZ TP35小尾巴/华语流行 1.2万 101 04:54 App 百元级的有线耳机又出一匹黑马?唐族音频“上官婉儿”【开箱评测】 14.9万 122 40:24 App 《20...
TANGZU took into account the user feedbacks on its previous models, the Shimin Li and the Zetian Wu. They have tuned the latest Waner SG based on the suggestions and achieved a more balanced and smooth sound presentation. Waner SG complements different genres of music with its quality output....
TANGZU took into account the user feedbacks on its previous models, the Shimin Li and the Zetian Wu. They have tuned the latest Waner SG based on the suggestions and achieved a more balanced and smooth sound presentation. Waner SG complements different genres of music with its quality output....
TANGZU took into account the user feedbacks on its previous models, the Shimin Li and the Zetian Wu. They have tuned the latest Waner SG based on the suggestions and achieved a more balanced and smooth sound presentation. Waner SG complements different genres of music with its quality output....