南京棕糖树环境技术有限公司 2016-04-25 成立 | 江苏-研究和试验发展 佛山市南海宗堂水产养殖专业合作社 2018-04-18 成立 | 广东 兴化市沙沟镇宗堂水产养殖家庭农场 2016-12-13 成立 | 江苏-批发业 湘阴县左宗棠书院 2016-08-04 成立 | 湖南 南京市秦淮区许宗堂蔬菜店 ...
作者: Tao Yong-shu 摘要: Tao Shu and Zuo Zongtang are the historical prominent figures in the modern history in China.They were bosom friends and the relatives by marriage of their children.They were both practisers of the theory of management of the state affairs,and they started good ...
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