Conquest and community: the afterlife of warrior Saint Ghazi Miyan, by Shahid AminArun Kumar
& Khan, I.H., 2000 - Tectonic and bio- geographic implications of the Ghazij Formation (lower Eocene), Baluchistan Province, Pakistan - GFF 122: 34-35Clyde, W. C. and I. H. Khan. 2000 . Tectonic and biogeographic implications of the Ghazij Formation (lower Eocene), Baluchistan ...
The subject of this article is King Ghazi and whether, on 5 April 1939, he died by accident or design. But what may be described as a historical 'whodunit' also constitutes the peg on which a broader tale hangs: the story of Iraqi politics in the months and years before and after the...
Stakeholdersparticipationimpoverishment risklivelihood sourcesGhazi Barotha project PakistanSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTLIVELIHOOD RESTORATIONDAMIMPACTSPARTICIPATIONInvoluntary displacement caused by the construction of large hydropower projects has disastrous consequences due to poor planning, government institutional capacity ...
doi:10.1080/01431168608954670D.RutherfordL.RutherfordCROOMRutherfordInformaworldInternational Journal of Remote Sensing
In this regard, the article attempts to find an answer that why Ghazi has selected such books, and from an epistemological viewpoint, how is his own life affecting his choices of translation and what the role of circumstances, including the different episteme such as the historical, political,...
The Taunsa uranium mineralisation is hosted by the upper Miocene鈥揚liocene Litra Formation, part of the molasse sediments (Siwalik Group) deposited in the Himalayan foreland basin of the eastern Sulaiman Range, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan. The Litra Formation is the only rock unit hosting economic...
The Ghazi AttackAndersonImagined CommunitySubmarine filmAnderson argued that it was not just the 'innovation' of nations as an entity that is important but also the material conditions. The extent of nationalism and patriotism used as a tool in mass media (printed texts and popular culture) in ...
Maximum numbers of deaths take place in India during the birth of a child, therefore, affecting the vital life period in human life cycle. The aim of the present study was to explore awareness of parents during and after pregnancy in selected slum areas of district Varanasi and Ghazipur in ...