(Click on Transit Numbers / Routing Number to get more details about the Bank branch office.) Routing NumberTransit NumberStateCityPostal CodeBranchAddress 061400052 00052-614 ON Toronto M2H 3S8 3389 Steeles Ave E 3389 Steeles Ave E 061400102 00102-614 ON Toronto M2H 3S8 3389 Steeles Ave...
alternata Z7 genome has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number LPVP00000000 and genome information of other Alternaria species was downloaded from the Alternaria genomes database70. Gene prediction and annotation. Ab initio gene predictions of the genomic sequences of Alternaria ...
Distribution of CAZymes among different fungi. The number of CAZymes in each main class is shown by a color gradient. GH: Glycoside Hydrolase, PL: Polysaccharide Lyase, CBM: Carbohydrate-Binding Modules, GT: Glycosyl Transferase, CE: Carbohydrate Esterases, AA: Auxiliary Activities. Full size ima...