In 1998 Tanaka left Nintendo because they refused to allow him to continue work on the Pokémon project. He then went to work for Creatures, Inc. the company that produced the Pokémon trading cards. Since 2000 he now works as president for the company. ...
映像デザイナー/edp graphic works、水墨画家/吉田翔、书道家/冈西佑奈、音楽家/jemapur、乐焼陶芸家/小川裕嗣とのコラボレーションによる展示を行った。 2018 谷崎润一郎の「阴翳礼讃」にあるように、日本文化に深く根差してきた「光と阴」をメインテーマに、【阴阳花:one breath of flowers in the...