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(1) awNnhodteTerthehρeeγaiaismje+icasogρtinnhbdbeare+pyqoupρpaauctrciltoa=ntoiof1rnet.hpTdelhaeacecteaoedymqbruiayactteρiloicnfcnreos=amrfo−sruiγtshcctaoeeρpccjtcai,bs−cialanitiddyΩe, ⁎Γosρicrjcha=teh+meΓeiajΩbiasρirsoearcttp.hhteieoonsfa,fm-idseiapwg...
Figure 10. The functional distribution of the assembled unigenes of Spindasis takanosis by gene ontFoilgougrye a1s0s.igTnhme efnutn.c(tiAo)naTlhdeisdtriisbtruitbiountioonf othfethaessGemOb-laendnoutnaitgeedneusnoigfeSnpeisndtaosibsiotalkoagniocsails pbryocgeesnsees, Figucreellou1nl0tao....
Chaoyu Hao, Le Li, Ruicong Zhai, Yupeng Deng, Yitong Ma & Ao Li Pages: 4031-4049 Published online: 14 Apr 2023 AbstractforExperimental research on the inhibitory effect of the controlled-release inerting inhibitor on coal spontaneous combustion | Full Text | References | PDF (6.5 MB) | EPU...
SU 1\1If A R Y Two liruitlretl ant1 fifty (250) maligiiant tiiiriours of the testis in 247 patients were treated at Rarliumheniniet, Stockholni, 111 the period 1021-54. Of 214 p t i e i i t s witli a n yo Ynoliservntioii tinir of from 5 t o 24 years, 50 hail ...
View further author informationJann-Yuan WangView further author informationJung-Yueh ChenView further author information LeeView further author informationLih-Yu Chang
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Jinhan Mo,Yinping Zhang,Rui Yang.Novel insights into vocremoval performance of photocatalytic oxidation reactors.Indoor Air. 2005Mo J., Zhang Y., Yang R. 2005. Novel insight into VOC removal performance of photocatalytic oxidation reactors. Indoor Air, 15, pp. 291-300....
Polyphenolxidases (PPO)reopper-containing enzymesesponsibleorissuerowning inruitsnd vegetables including potato,pplend pears.lthoughhese enzymesaveeentudiedorany years,heir physiologicaloles in plantsre not yetlear.herefore,hese enzymes needoe purifiedoharacterizeurtherrom potatoubers.helassicalethods...